
Systematic Evaluation of Skeletal Mechanical Function


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Many genetic and environmental perturbations lead to measurable changes in bone morphology, matrix composition, and matrix organization. Here, straightforward biomechanical methods are described that can be used to determine whether a genetic or environmental perturbation affects bone strength. A systematic method is described for evaluating how bone strength is altered in the context of morphology and tissue?level mechanical properties, which are determined in large part from matrix composition, matrix organization, and porosity. The methods described include computed tomography, whole?bone mechanical tests (bending and compression), tissue?level mechanical tests, and determination of ash content, water content, and bone density. This strategy is intended as a first step toward screening mice for phenotypic effects on bone and establishing the associated biomechanical mechanism by which function has been altered, and can be conducted without a background in engineering. The outcome of these analyses generally provides insight into the next set of experiments required to further connect cellular perturbation with functional change. Curr. Protoc. Mouse Biol. 3:39?67 © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: bone; biomechanics; strength; nanocomputed tomography; cortical bone; trabecular bone; adaptation

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Harvesting Bone
  • Basic Protocol 2: Embedding Bone in Plastic
  • Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Methyl Methacrylate Solutions
  • Basic Protocol 3: Computed Tomography
  • Basic Protocol 4: Measurement of Whole‐Bone Mechanical Properties Using a Four‐Point Bending Test
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Measurement of Whole‐Bone Mechanical Properties Using a Three‐Point Bending Test
  • Alternate Protocol 2: Measurement of Spine Compression
  • Basic Protocol 5: Measurement of Tissue‐Level Mechanical Properties
  • Basic Protocol 6: Measurement of Ash Weight, Water Content, and Bone Density
  • Basic Protocol 7: Systematic Data Analysis
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Harvesting Bone

  • Mouse
  • 1× phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS)
  • 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF)
  • 2‐ml microcentrifuge tubes
  • Permanent marker
  • Freezer storage boxes, cardboard or plastic
  • Gauze
  • Surgical tools
  • Tissue cassettes (Histosette II, Fisher Scientific)
  • No. 2 pencil
  • 1‐liter wide‐mouth HDPE bottles (Qorpak)
  • Absorbent pads
  • Additional reagents and equipment for euthanasia (Donovan and Brown, )

Basic Protocol 2: Embedding Bone in Plastic

  • Bone samples in tissue cassettes (see protocol 1 )
  • 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF)
  • 1× phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS) or distilled water
  • Villanueva Osteochrome Bone Stain (Polysciences, optional)
  • Methanol (optional)
  • Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGME)
  • 2‐Propanol
  • Methyl salicylate, 99%
  • Methyl methacrylate (MMA) solutions I‐IV (see protocol 3 )
  • Cyanoacrylate
  • Diamond slurries (1‐2, 6, and 10 µm)
  • 1‐liter wide‐mouth HDPE bottles (Qorpak)
  • Agitator
  • 5‐ml plastic vials with caps
  • Vacuum oven (Isotemp or Eurotherm 91e Blue, Fisher Scientific)
  • Small drill
  • Small wooden dowel rod
  • Cutting device: commercial metallurgical cutting system with diamond wafering blade (e.g., Isomet Low‐Speed Saw, Buehler)
  • 1 × 3−in. plastic slides
  • Sandpaper ranging from 600 to 1000 grit
  • Light microscope (Axioplan2, Carl Zeiss IMT) or epifluorescence microscope
CAUTION: DO NOT open bottles of MMA II, III, or IV until they have been warmed completely to room temperature. Water vapor may condense on the surface of cold MMA when exposed to normal, humidified air, which will introduce water into the solution and compromise the embedding procedure.

Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Methyl Methacrylate Solutions

  • Methyl methacrylate (MMA)
  • n ‐Butyl phthalate (n ‐BP)
  • Dry benzoyl peroxide
  • 1‐liter wide‐mouth HDPE bottles (Qorpak)
  • Orbital shaker

Basic Protocol 3: Computed Tomography

  • Water or 1× phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS)
  • Frozen bone samples (see protocol 1 )
  • Calibration standard
  • Nanotom S computed tomography system (GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH; Fig. )
  • Cylindrical specimen tube (made out of acrylic, polycarbonate, or other similar material)
  • Custom fixtures to hold specimen holder and acrylic equilibration bath (if needed, will depend on your design)
  • Bone holder (made out of acrylic, polycarbonate, or other similar material)
  • 1.69 mg/cc cortical bone equivalent rod, hydroxyapatite standard (Gammex)
  • Acrylic equilibration bath
  • Sonicator
  • Latex rubber bands
  • Acrylic pieces
  • Computers for acquisition and reconstruction (128 GB RAM; 8 CPUs; Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz; NVIDIA Graphics cards; 2 TB hard drive; Linux virtual machine)
  • Reconstruction software
  • VGStudio MAX 2.1 Software (Volume Graphics GmbH)
  • MicroView Advanced Bone Analysis (v. 2.2; GE Healthcare) software
  • Filter material (0.25, 0.3, or 0.762 mm aluminum)

Basic Protocol 4: Measurement of Whole‐Bone Mechanical Properties Using a Four‐Point Bending Test

  • Whole frozen femurs (see protocol 1 )
  • 1× phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS)
  • Mechanical testing system with four‐point fixture (Fig. A‐C)
  • Absorbent pads
  • Gauze
  • Small‐diameter (∼2‐mm) wooden dowel rods cut into 1‐inch (∼2.5‐cm) segments
  • Forceps
  • Glass Petri dish

Alternate Protocol 1: Measurement of Whole‐Bone Mechanical Properties Using a Three‐Point Bending Test

  • Whole frozen vertebrae (see protocol 1 )
  • Appropriate standard, e.g., pencil‐top erasers
  • Lumbar or caudal testing fixtures (Fig. D,E)

Alternate Protocol 2: Measurement of Spine Compression

  • Fresh or frozen bone samples, e.g., femurs (see protocol 1 )
  • Scotch‐Weld acrylic adhesive DP‐810
  • Basic fuchsin
  • Caroplastic (Carolina Biological Supply Co.)
  • Alignment device
  • Brass pots
  • CNC milling machine (Modela MDX‐20, Roland DGA)
  • Light microscope (e.g., Zeiss Axioplan2, Carl Zeiss IMT)
  • Micro‐scissors
  • Four‐point bending fixture (see protocol 5 )
  • Servo‐hydraulic materials testing system (Instron model 8872)
  • High‐resolution digital video camera (RH1100, Duncan Tech)
  • Video zoom microscope lens (Edmund Industrial Optics)
  • 16‐µm silicon carbide particles (McMaster‐Carr, optional)
  • Low‐speed diamond‐coated wafering saw (Buehler)
  • Acrylic slides
  • Digital Exwave HAD 3CCD Camera (Sony)
  • Digital‐image correlation (IMAQ Vision Builder 6.0, National Instruments Corp.)

Basic Protocol 5: Measurement of Tissue‐Level Mechanical Properties

  • Fresh or frozen bone samples (see protocol 1 ) or broken bones from four‐point bending tests (see protocol 5 )
  • Distilled water
  • Stereomicroscope
  • Vacuum oven (Fisher Scientific Isotemp or Eurotherm 91e Blue)
  • Analytical balance with strain gauge wire (Fig. )
  • Delicate task wipes
  • 2‐ml microcentrifuge tubes
  • Microcentrifuge (Fisher Scientific accuSpin Micro 17)
  • Ashing oven (Thermo Lindberg Blue M)
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  •   Figure 1. Proper marking of microcentrifuge tube with permanent marker and tissue cassette with no. 2 pencil.
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  •   Figure 2. Sectioning of mouse femora. (A ) Wide view of IsoMet diamond wafering saw. (B ) Enlarged view of chuck, specimen, and blade interface. (C ) Single femur embedded in polymerized MMA.
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  •   Figure 3. External view of Nanotom S nanoCT (approximately 64 x 56 x 29 inches and 2750 pounds).
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  •   Figure 4. Five‐bone scanning unit. (A ) Acrylic cylindrical tube with a threaded insert. (B ) Top view of six‐well acrylic specimen holder. (C ) Side view of same six‐well specimen holder showing threads (bottom) that screw into the insert of the tube to maintain stability. This view also shows the center in‐cut where a latex rubber band can be placed to further secure the bones. (D ) Filled calibration insert, with hydroxyapatite standard embedded in center. (E ) Empty calibration insert with a small air hole on top and solid acrylic bottom that represents water.
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  •   Figure 5. Acrylic equilibration block with drilled‐out center for placement of the loaded cylindrical tube. Metal stick inserts on the bottom to stabilize holder on the stage of the nanoCT.
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  •   Figure 6. Inside cabinet of Nanotom S. Cylindrical tube fits securely into the three‐jaw chuck between the X‐ray source (right) and detector panel (left). In this system, the tube is stationary, the detector can shift to the right or left to allow a larger field of view, and the specimen rotates on the stage in the center. The laser is used to center the specimen between the tube and detector.
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  •   Figure 7. Iso‐surface rendering of a single 16‐week chromosome substitution strain male femur using VGStudio MAX 2.1 scaled in Hounsfield.
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  •   Figure 8. Images from MicroView Advanced Bone Analysis on a mouse femur. (A ) Cylindrical region of interest (yellow) selected just below the third trochanter. (B ) Selected region of interest with cortical bone segmented from trabeculae. (C ) Distal femur slice just proximal to the growth plate. Yellow line shows spline separation of trabeculae and cortical shell.
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  •   Figure 9. Mechanical testing setup used for whole‐bone testing. (A ) Entire system is shown with a small custom frame to hold testing fixtures. (B ) Closer view of smaller frame on the testing machine. This is adjustable to incorporate different load cells and testing fixtures. (C ) Four‐point bending fixture with bone ready for testing. (1) Screw that adjusts the vertical height of the upper two points; (2) upper two points resting on the bone; (3) lower two points; (4) screws used to individually adjust height of the bottom points; (5) additional screw for adjusting lower points, with the ability to rotate them and lock them into place. (D ) Compression testing fixture for lumbar vertebrae. (6,7) Upper and lower platens. Latter has a peg to help position the vertebra. (E ) Compression testing fixture for caudal vertebrae. (8,9) Top and bottom platens have a small depression in the middle to help position the vertebra. Bottom platen rests on a peg so that it can be tilted slightly, if needed, to align the vertebra.
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  •   Figure 10. Typical load‐displacement curve. Stiffness is indicated by the blue line. The green line is stiffness multiplied by 0.9, which is useful when calculating yield point.
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  •   Figure 11. Density kit for use with an analytical balance. This kit contains a pan to measure dry weight as well a water bath and suspension wires to measure wet weight.
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  •   Figure 12. ANCOVAs of body size (body mass × length) and various traits for chromosome substitution strain 5 (CSS5) and control (B6) mice at 16 weeks. (A ) Stiffness, (B ) robustness, (C ) cortical area, and (D ) tissue mineral density (TMD). p < 0.008 is considered significant.
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Literature Cited

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