Construction and Use of a Bottom-Up HAC Vector for Transgene Expression

Recent technological advances have enabled visualization of the organization and dynamics of local �chromatin structures; however, the global mechanisms by which chromatin organization modulates gene regulation are poorly understood. We designed and constructed a human a ...

Rodent Transgenesis Mediated by a Novel Hyperactive Sleeping Beauty Transposon System

DNA-based transposons are natural gene delivery vehicles. Similarly to retroviruses, these elements �integrate into the chromosomes of host cells, but their life-cycle does not involve reverse transcription and they are not infectious. Transposon-based gene delivery has seve ...

De Novo Generation of Satellite DNA-Based Artificial Chromosomes by Induced Large-Scale Amplification

Mammalian artificial chromosomes (MACs) are engineered chromosomes with defined genetic content that can function as non-integrating vectors with large carrying capacity and stability. The large carrying capacity allows the engineering of MACs with multiple copies of the same ...

Downstream Bioengineering of ACE Chromosomes for Incorporation of Site-Specific Recombination Cassettes

Advances in mammalian artificial chromosome technology have made chromosome-based vector technology amenable to a variety of biotechnology applications including cellular protein production, genomics, and animal transgenesis. A pivotal aspect of this technology is the a ...

PCR Patent Issues

The science of the so-called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is now well known. However, the legal story associated with PCR is, for the most part, not understood and constantly changing. This presents diffculties for scientists, whether in academia or industry, who wish to practice the PCR proc ...

A Short History of the Polymerase Chain Reaction

The development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has often been likened to the development of the Internet, and although this does risk overstating the impact of PCR outside the scientific community, the comparison works well on a number of levels. Both inventions have emerged in the last 20 y ...

Equipping and Establishing a PCR Laboratory

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a very sensitive method of amplifying specific nucleic acid, but the system is susceptible to contamination from extraneous or previously amplified DNA strands (1,2). Many specific copies of DNA are produced from each round of amplification (3) with a sing ...

RNA Extraction from Frozen Tissue

RNA extraction is fundamental to all aspects of mRNA analysis. We include here a simple method that avoids the use of a mortar and pestle.

Quality Control in PCR

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), like any laboratory procedure, can be subject to a range of experimental or procedural error. A clear consideration of where such potential errors may occur is essential to minimize their impact. Careful quality control of equipment and reagents is essent ...

Dual DNA/RNA Extraction

It is sometimes desirable to extract both RNA and DNA from the same sample, especially when the sample is small. This can be achieved by isolating a total nucleic acid fraction that is then divided into two portions, which are treated differentially with either Dnase I (to remove DNA and recover RNA) or with ...

RNA Extraction from Tissue Sections

There are two different methods of preparing tissue for histology: paraffin-embedding and freeze-embedding. Each has their advantages and drawbacks. Paraffin-embedded tissues (PET) produce optimum morphology but have comparatively poor molecular preservation and reco ...

DNA Extraction from Fungi, Yeast, and Bacteria

Although individual microorganisms may well require a unique DNA extraction procedure, here we include robust techniques for the preparation of DNA from fungi, yeast, and bacteria, which yield DNA suitable for a PCR template.

Extraction of Ancient DNA

The DNA extraction process represents one of the critical stages in the analysis of degraded or ancient DNA. If polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification starts from a poor extract containing low template quantities, stochastic variation in the amplification of individual alle ...

Isolation of RNA Viruses from Biological Materials

The successful extraction of viral RNA from biological material requires rapid transport and adequate storage of samples because of the unstable nature of RNA. Samples should be received and processed within 6 h and the relevant fractions stored at −70�C until testing. Also, it is difficult to a ...

Technical Notes for the Detection of Nucleic Acids

In following any polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method, it is usual to identify the products of the reaction by some form of detection system. The majority of these still rely on size- and charge-based separation systems, although for some quantitative PCR applications, either direct ...

DNA Extraction from Plasma and Serum

There are occasions where the only materiel available on a patient is stored plasma or serum samples. In normal individuals, the amount of DNA in these samples is very low but sufficient to serve as template for PCRs. Moreover, increased amounts of circulating DNA have been found in a variety of disorde ...

Technical Notes for the Recovery and Purification of PCR Products from Acrylamide Gels

Although the best way of obtaining pure polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product will always be to optimize reaction conditions to yield only one product, there are still circumstances where DNA has to purifed from gels. Several good commercial products exist for the recovery of DNA from agaro ...

Extraction of DNA from Whole Blood

There are many differing protocols and a large number of commercially available kits used for the extraction of DNA from whole blood. This procedure is one we use routinely in both research and clinical service provision and is cheap and robust. It can also be applied to cell pellets from dispersed tis ...

Optimization of Polymerase Chain Reactions

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a powerful method for fast in vitro enzymatic amplifications of specific DNA sequences. PCR amplifications can be grouped into three different categories: standard PCR, long PCR, and multiplex PCR. Standard PCR involves amplification of a single DNA ...

RNA Extraction from Blood

Based on the method of Chomczynski and Sacchi (1), this is an extremely reliable method without the requirement for centrifugation over CsCl gradients. As with any RNA protocol, extreme care should be taken to exclude RNAse contamination, the greatest source of which will be the sample itself. All ...
