Dynamic Causal Modelling of Brain Responses

This chapter is about modelling-distributed brain responses and, in particular, the functional integration among neuronal systems. Inferences about the functional organisation of the brain rest on models of how measurements of evoked responses are caused. These models can be quite ...

Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data

fMRI is a powerful tool used in the study of brain function. It can non-invasively detect signal changes in areas of the brain where neuronal activity is varying. This chapter is a comprehensive description of the various steps in the statistical analysis of fMRI data. This will cover topics such as the g ...

Preparing fMRI Data for Statistical Analysis

This chapter describes the procedures applied to fMRI data prior to their statistical analysis. This usually begins with converting the data from original MR format to a form that can be used by the analysis software. The data are then motion corrected. If an anatomical scan is collected for the subj ...

Experimental Design

This chapter addresses issues particular to the optimal design of fMRI experiments. It describes procedures for isolating the psychological process of interest and gives an overview of block, event-related, and participant-response dependent designs. An additional focus is pla ...

High-Field fMRI

Imaging of human brain function is possible only through a few techniques of which magnetic resonance is the safest and most widely used. The soft tissue contrast and high resolution functional maps of the human brain are making a profound contribution to our understanding of the brain function. ...

Selection of Optimal Pulse Sequences for fMRI

In this chapter, we discuss technical considerations regarding pulse sequence selection and sequence parameter selection that can affect fMRI studies. The major focus is on optimizing MRI data acquisitions for blood oxygen level-dependent signal detection. Specific recommen ...

Introduction to Functional MRI Hardware

This chapter discusses MRI hardware components, stimulus presentation devices, response, and physiological data collection systems. The general guidelines for MR-compatible hardware are also discussed. The chapter gives an overview of commonly used peripheral devices used ...

Imaging Brain Attention Systems: Control and Selection in Vision

Selective attention is an essential cognitive ability that permits us to effectively process and act upon relevant information while ignoring distracting events. The human capacity to focus attention is at the core of mental functioning. Elucidating the neural bases of human selecti ...

fMRI of Language Systems

Language refers to the uniquely human capacity for communication through productive combination of symbolic representations. Functional neuroimaging studies have in recent decades greatly expanded our knowledge of the brain systems supporting language, producing a dram ...

fMRI of Memory

Numerous fMRI studies have investigated the network of brain regions critical for memory. Whereas neuropsychological techniques can delineate the brain regions that are necessary for intact memory function, neuroimaging techniques can be used to investigate which regions are r ...

fMRI in Psychiatric Disorders

Functional neuroimaging has become an important tool for clinical research, with the potentiality to provide information on psychiatric disease pathology and treatment response. We review functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research findings for six psychiatric ...

fMRI in Neurodegenerative Diseases: From Scientific Insights to Clinical Applications

fMRI is a technology with great promise as a tool to probe abnormalities of brain activity in neurodegenerative diseases. The detection of functional brain abnormalities may be useful, in the appropriate clinical context, for early diagnosis, differential diagnosis, or prognostic ...

fMRI in Neurosurgery

Functional magnetic resonance imaging has evolved from a basic research application to a useful clinical tool that also has found its place in modern neurosurgery. The localization of functional important brain areas as language and sensorimotor cortex has been the focus of numerous in ...

fMRI in Epilepsy

This chapter provides an overview of the application of functional MRI applied to the field of Epilepsy and is divided into two sections, covering cognitive mapping and imaging of paroxysmal activity, respectively. In addition to a review of the most scientifically and clinically releva ...

Pharmacological Applications of fMRI

Modern drug development presents new challenges by the unmet medical needs of chronic neurological and psychiatric disease. Imaging provides a potentially powerful tool for more efficiently translating pre-clinical and clinical studies and enhancing confidence in progres ...

Application of fMRI to Monitor Motor Rehabilitation

Motor deficits contribute to disability in a number of neurological conditions. A wide range of emerging restorative therapies has the potential to reduce this by favorably modifying function. In many medical contexts, a study of target organ function improves efficacy of a therapeutic ...

fMRI of Emotion

Recent brain imaging work has expanded our understanding of the mechanisms of perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions in human subjects, but research into the cerebral control of emotional and motivational function is at a much earlier stage. Important concepts and theories of emoti ...

fMRI of Pain

The field of pain research has progressed immensely due to the advancement of brain imaging techniques. The initial goal of this research was to expand our understanding of the cerebral mechanisms underlying the perception of pain; more recently the research objectives have shifted towa ...

Functional Imaging of the Human Visual System

The human visual system consists of a large, yet unknown number of cortical areas. We summarize the efforts made to identify these areas, using the macaque visual cortex as a guide. So far, retinotopic mapping has identified several regions and study of functional properties such as motion and sha ...

fMRI of the Sensorimotor System

The extensive application of fMRI to the assessment of the human sensorimotor system has disclosed a complexity that is largely beyond our original understanding. From the available data, it is accepted that this system consists of a large, and somewhat yet unknown, number of cortical and subc ...
