
Essentials of Real Time PCR


Applied Biosystems公司关于Real Time PCR的介绍,比较简单,但希望对新接触这个领域的朋友会有所帮助。

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Essentials of Real Time PCR
About Real-Time PCR Assays
Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is the ability to monitor the progress of the PCR as
it occurs ( i.e., in real time). Data is therefore collected throughout the PCR process, rather than
at the end of the PCR. This completely revolutionizes the way one approaches PCR-based
quantitation of DNA and RNA. In real-time PCR, reactions are characterized by the point in time
during cycling when amplification of a target is first detected rather than the amount of target
accumulated after a fixed number of cycles. The higher the starting copy number of the nucleic
acid target, the sooner a significant increase in fluorescence is observed. In contrast, an
endpoint assay (also called a “plate read assay”) measures the amount of accumulated PCR
product at the end of the PCR cycle.
About Sequence Detection Chemistries
Overview Applied Biosystems has developed two types of chemistries used to detect PCR
products using Sequence Detection Systems (SDS) instruments:
• TaqMan® chemistry (also known as “fluorogenic 5´ nuclease chemistry”)
• SYBR® Green I dye chemistry
TaqMan® Chemistry
The TaqMan chemistry uses a fluorogenic probe to enable the detection of a specific PCR
product as it accumulates during PCR cycles.
Assay Types that Use TaqMan Chemistry
The TaqMan chemistry can be used for the following assay types:
• Quantitation, including:
– One-step RT-PCR for RNA quantitation
– Two-step RT-PCR for RNA quantitation
– DNA/cDNA quantitation
• Allelic Discrimination
• Plus/Minus using an IPC
SYBR Green I Dye Chemistry
The SYBR Green I dye chemistry uses SYBR Green I dye, a highly specific, double-stranded
DNA binding dye, to detect PCR product as it accumulates during PCR cycles.
The most important difference between the TaqMan and SYBR Green I dye chemistries is that
the SYBR Green I dye chemistry will detect all double-stranded DNA, including non-specific
reaction products. A well-optimized reaction is therefore essential for accurate results.
Assay Types that Use SYBR Green I Dye Chemistry
The SYBR Green I dye chemistry can be used for the following assay types:
• Quantitation, including:
– One-step RT-PCR for RNA quantitation
– Two-step RT-PCR for RNA quantitation
– DNA/cDNA quantitation
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TaqMan Chemistry
Initially, intercalator dyes were used to measure real-time PCR products. The primary
disadvantage to these type of probes is that they detect accumulation of both specific and nonspecific
PCR products.
Development of TaqMan Chemistry
Real-time systems for PCR were improved by the introduction of fluorogenic-labeled probes that
use the 5´ nuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase. The availability of these fluorogenic probes
enabled the development of a real-time method for detecting only specific amplification products.
The development of fluorogenic labeled probes also made it possible to eliminate post-PCR
processing for the analysis of probe degradation.
How TaqMan Sequence Detection Chemistry Works
The TaqMan chemistry uses a fluorogenic probe to enable the detection of a specific PCR
product as it accumulates during PCR. Here’s how it works:
Step Process
1. An oligonucleotide probe is constructed containing a reporter fluorescent dye on the 5´ end and a
quencher dye on the 3´ end. While the probe is intact, the proximity of the quencher dye greatly
reduces the fluorescence emitted by the reporter dye by fluorescence resonance energy transfer
(FRET) through space.
2. If the target sequence is present, the probe anneals downstream from one of the primer sites and is
cleaved by the 5´ nuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase as this primer is extended.
3. This cleavage of the probe:
• Separates the reporter dye from the quencher dye, increasing the reporter dye signal.
• Removes the probe from the target strand, allowing primer extension to continue to the
end of the template strand. Thus, inclusion of the probe does not inhibitthe overall PCR
4. Additional reporter dye molecules are cleaved from their respective probes with each cycle,
resulting in an increase in fluorescence intensity proportional to the amount of amplicon produced.
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Two Types of TaqMan® Probes
Applied Biosystems offers two types of TaqMan probes:
• TaqMan® probes (with TAMRA dye as the quencher dye)
• TaqMan® MGB probes
TaqMan MGB Probes Recommended for Allelic Discrimination Assays
Applied Biosystems recommends the general use of TaqMan MGB probes for allelic
discrimination assays, especially when conventional TaqMan probes exceed 30 nucleotides. The
TaqMan MGB probes contain:
• A nonfluorescent quencher at the 3´ end - The SDS instruments can measure the
reporter dye contributions more precisely because the quencher does not fluoresce.
• A minor groove binder at the 3´ end - The minor groove binder increases the melting
temperature (Tm) of probes, allowing the use of shorter probes.
Consequently, the TaqMan MGB probes exhibit greater differences in Tm values between
matched and mismatched probes, which provides more accurate allelic discrimination.
Advantages of TaqMan Chemistry
The advantages of the TaqMan chemistry are as follows:
• Specific hybridization between probe and target is required to generate fluorescent signal
• Probes can be labeled with different, distinguishable reporter dyes, which allows
amplification of two distinct sequences in one reaction tube
• Post-PCR processing is eliminated, which reduces assay labor and material costs
Disadvantage of TaqMan Chemistry
The primary disadvantage of the TaqMan chemistry is that the synthesis of different probes is
required for different sequences.
SYBR Green I Dye Chemistry
Small molecules that bind to double-stranded DNA can be divided into two classes:
• Intercalators
• Minor-groove binders
Regardless of the binding method, there are two requirements for a DNA binding dye
for real-time detection of PCR:
• Increased fluorescence when bound to double-stranded DNA
• No inhibition of PCR
Applied Biosystems has developed conditions that permit the use of the SYBR Green I dye in
PCR without PCR inhibition and increased sensitivity of detection compared to ethidium bromide.
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How the SYBR Green I Dye Chemistry Works
The SYBR Green I dye chemistry uses the SYBR Green I dye to detect polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) products by binding to double-stranded DNA formed during PCR. Here’s how it
Step Process
1. When SYBR Green I dye is added to a sample, it immediately binds to all double-stranded DNA
present in the sample.
2. During the PCR, AmpliTaq Gold® DNA Polymerase amplifies the target sequence, which creates
the PCR products, or “amplicons.”
3. The SYBR Green I dye then binds to each new copy of double-stranded DNA.
4. As the PCR progresses, more amplicons are created. Since the SYBR Green I dye binds to all
double-stranded DNA, the result is an increase in fluorescence intensity proportionate to the
amount of PCR product produced.
Advantages of SYBR Green I Dye
The advantages of the SYBR Green I dye chemistry are as follows:
• It can be used to monitor the amplification of any double-stranded DNA sequence.
• No probe is required, which reduces assay setup and running costs.
Disadvantage of SYBR Green I Dye
The primary disadvantage of the SYBR Green I dye chemistry is that it may generate false
positive signals; i.e., because the SYBR Green I dye binds to any double-stranded DNA, it can
also bind to nonspecific double-stranded DNA sequences.
Additional Consideration
Another aspect of using DNA binding dyes is that multiple dyes bind to a single amplified
molecule. This increases the sensitivity for detecting amplification products. A consequence of
multiple dye binding is that the amount of signal is dependent on the mass of double-stranded
DNA produced in the reaction. Thus, if the amplification efficiencies are the same, amplification of
a longer product will generate more signal than a shorter one. This is in contrast to the use of a
fluorogenic probe, in which a single fluorophore is released from quenching for each amplified
molecule synthesized, regardless of its length.
About Quantitation Assays
What Is a Quantitation Assay?
A Quantitation Assay is a real-time PCR assay. It measures (quantitates) the amount of a nucleic
acid target during each amplification cycle of the PCR. The target may be DNA, cDNA, or RNA.
There are three types of Quantitation Assays discussed in this chemistry guide:
• DNA/cDNA quantitation
• RNA quantitation using one-step reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR)
• RNA quantitation using two-step RT-PCR
Terms Used in Quantitation Analysis
Amplicon A short segment of DNA generated by the PCR process
Amplification plot The plot of fluorescence signal versus cycle number
Baseline The initial cycles of PCR, in which there is little change in fluorescence signal
CT (threshold cycle) The fractional cycle number at which the fluorescence passes the fixed threshold
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NTC (no template control) - A sample that does not contain template. It is used to verify amplification
Nucleic acid target (also called “target template”) - DNA or RNA sequence that you wish to
Passive reference A dye that provides an internal reference to which the reporter dye signal can be
normalized during data analysis. Normalization is necessary to correct for forestallment
fluctuations caused by changes in concentration or volume. A passive reference dye is included in all SDS
PCR reagent kits.
Rn (normalized reporter) The fluorescence emission intensity of the reporter dye divided by the
fluorescence emission intensity of the passive reference dye
Rn+ The Rn value of a reaction containing all components, including the template
Rn- The Rn value of an un-reacted sample. The Rn- value can be obtained from:
• The early cycles of a real-time PCR run (those cycles prior to a detectable increase in
fluorescence), OR
• A reaction that does not contain any template
∆Rn (delta Rn) The magnitude of the signal generated by the given set of PCR conditions. The ∆Rn value is
determined by the following formula:
(Rn+) – (Rn-)
Standard A sample of known concentration used to construct a standard curve. By running standards of
varying concentrations, you create a standard curve from which you can extrapolate the quantity of an
unknown sample.
Threshold The average standard deviation of Rn for the early PCR cycles, multiplied by an adjustable factor.
The threshold should be set in the region associated with an exponential growth of PCR product.
Unknown A sample containing an unknown quantity of template. This is the sample whose quantity you
want to determine.
How Real-Time PCR Quantitation Assays Work
In the initial cycles of PCR, there is little change in fluorescence signal. This defines the baseline
for the amplification plot. An increase in fluorescence above the baseline indicates the detection
of accumulated target. A fixed fluorescence threshold can be set above the baseline. The
parameter CT (threshold cycle) is defined as the fractional cycle number at which the fluorescence
passes the fixed threshold.
Absolute vs. Relative Quantitation
When calculating the results of your quantitation assays, you can use either absolute or relative
What is Absolute Quantitation?
The absolute quantitation assay is used to quantitate unknown samples by interpolating their
quantity from a standard curve.
Absolute quantitation might be used to correlate viral copy number with a disease state. It is of
interest to the researcher to know the exact copy number of the target RNA in a given biological
sample in order to monitor the progress of the disease.
Absolute quantitation can be performed with data from all of the SDS instruments, however, the
absolute quantities of the standards must first be known by some independent means.
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What is Relative Quantitation?
A relative quantitation assay is used to analyze changes in gene expression in a given sample
relative to another reference sample (such as an untreated control sample).
Relative quantitation might be used to measure gene expression in response to a chemical
(drug). The level of gene expression of a particular gene of interest in a chemically treated
sample would be compared relative to the level of gene expression an untreated sample.
Calculation Methods for Relative Quantitation
Relative quantitation can be performed with data from all of the SDS instruments. The calculation
methods used for relative quantitation are:
• Standard curve method
• Comparative CT method
Determining Which Method to Use
All methods can give equivalent results. When determining which method you want to use, note
the following:
• Running the target and endogenous control amplifications in separate tubes and using
the standard curve method of analysis requires the least amount of optimization and
• To use the comparative CT method, a validation experiment must be run to show that the
efficiencies of the target and endogenous control amplifications are approximately equal.
The advantage of using the comparative CT method is that the need for a standard curve
is eliminated. This increases throughput because wells no longer need to be used for the
standard curve samples. It also eliminates the adverse effect of any dilution errors made
in creating the standard curve samples.
• To amplify the target and endogenous control in the same tube, limiting primer
concentrations must be identified and shown not to affect CT values. By running the two
reactions in the same tube, throughput is increased and the effects of pipetting errors are
Terms Used
The following terms are used in this discussion of absolute and relative quantitation:
Standard A sample of known concentration used to construct a standard curve.
Reference A passive or active signal used to normalize experimental results. Endogenous and exogenous
controls are examples of active references. Active reference means the signal is generated as the result of
PCR amplification. The active reference has its own set of primers and probe.
Endogenous control – This is an RNA or DNA that is present in each experimental sample as isolated. By
using an endogenous control as an active reference, you can normalize quantitation of a messenger RNA
(mRNA) target for differences in the amount of total RNA added to each reaction.
Exogenous control – This is a characterized RNA or DNA spiked into each sample at a known
concentration. An exogenous active reference is usually an in vitro construct that can be used as an internal
positive control (IPC) to distinguish true target negatives from PCR inhibition. An exogenous reference can
also be used to normalize for differences in efficiency of sample extraction or complementary DNA (cDNA)
synthesis by reverse transcriptase. Whether or not an active reference is used, it is important to use a
passive reference containing the dye ROX in order to normalize for non-PCR-related fluctuations in
fluorescence signal.
Normalized amount of target
A unitless number that can be used to compare the relative amount of target in different samples.
Calibrator A sample used as the basis for comparative results.
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Standard Curve Method for Relative Quantitation
It is easy to prepare standard curves for relative quantitation because quantity is expressed
relative to some basis sample, such as the calibrator. For all experimental samples, target
quantity is determined from the standard curve and divided by the target quantity of the calibrator.
Thus, the calibrator becomes the 1× sample, and all other quantities are expressed as an n-fold
difference relative to the calibrator. As an example, in a study of drug effects on expression, the
untreated control would be an appropriate calibrator.
Critical Guidelines
The guidelines below are critical for proper use of the standard curve method for relative
• It is important that stock RNA or DNA be accurately diluted, but the units used to express
this dilution are irrelevant. If two-fold dilutions of a total RNA preparation from a control
cell line are used to construct a standard curve, the units could be the dilution values 1,
0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and so on. By using the same stock RNA or DNA to prepare standard
curves for multiple plates, the relative quantities determined can be compared across the
• It is possible to use a DNA standard curve for relative quantitation of RNA. Doing this
requires the assumption that the reverse transcription efficiency of the target is the same
in all samples, but the exact value of this efficiency need not be known.
• For quantitation normalized to an endogenous control, standard curves are prepared for
both the target and the endogenous reference. For each experimental sample, the
amount of target and endogenous reference is determined from the appropriate standard
curve. Then, the target amount is divided by the endogenous reference amount to obtain
a normalized target value. Again, one of the experimental samples is the calibrator, or
1× sample. Each of the normalized target values is divided by the calibrator normalized
target value to generate the relative expression levels.
Endogenous Control
Amplification of an endogenous control may be performed to standardize the amount of sample
RNA or DNA added to a reaction. For the quantitation of gene expression, researchers have used
ß-actin, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), or other
RNAs as an endogenous control.
Because the sample quantity is divided by the calibrator quantity, the unit from the standard curve
drops out. Thus, all that is required of the standards is that their relative dilutions be known. For
relative quantitation, this means any stock RNA or DNA containing the appropriate target can be
used to prepare standards.
Comparative CT method for Relative Quantitation
The comparative CT method is simlar to that standard curve method, except it uses the arithmetic
formula, 2- C
T to achieve the same result for relative quantitation.
Arithmetic Formulas:
For the comparative CT method to be valid, the efficiency of the target amplification (your gene of
interest) and the efficiency of the reference amplification (your endogenous control) must be
approximately equal.
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For more information on using the comparative CT method for relative quantitation, please refer to
User Bulletin #2: Relative Quantitation of Gene Expression (PN 4303859).
Standard Curve Method for Absolute Quantitation
The standard curve method for absolute quantitation is similar to the standard curve method for
relative quantitation, except the absolute quantities of the standards must first be known by some
independent means.
Critical Guidelines
The guidelines below are critical for proper use of the standard curve method for absolute
• It is important that the DNA or RNA be a single, pure species. For example, plasmid DNA
prepared from E. coli often is contaminated with RNA, which increases the A260
measurement and inflates the copy number determined for the plasmid.
• Accurate pipetting is required because the standards must be diluted over several orders
of magnitude. Plasmid DNA or in vitro transcribed RNA must be concentrated in order to
measure an accurate A260 value. This concentrated DNA or RNA must then be diluted
106–1012 -fold to be at a concentration similar to the target in biological samples.
• The stability of the diluted standards must be considered, especially for RNA. Divide
diluted standards into small aliquots, store at –80 °C, and thaw only once before use.
• It is generally not possible to use DNA as a standard for absolute quantitation of RNA
because there is no control for the efficiency of the reverse transcription step.
The absolute quantities of the standards must first be known by some independent
means. Plasmid DNA and in vitro transcribed RNA are commonly used to prepare absolute
standards. Concentration is measured by A260 and converted to the number of copies using the
molecular weight of the DNA or RNA.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
The PCR process and 5’ nuclease process are covered by patents owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. and F.
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
The SYBR Green dye is sold pursuant to a limited license from Molecular Probes, Inc.
Applied Biosystems is a registered trademark and AB (Design) and TAMRA are trademarks of Applera Corporation or its
subsidiaries in the US and certain other countries.
AmpliTaq Gold and TaqMan are registered trademarks of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.