
Detecting Low‐Affinity Extracellular Protein Interactions Using Protein Microarrays


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Low?affinity extracellular protein interactions are critical for cellular recognition processes, but are not generally detected by methods that can be applied in a high?throughput manner. This unit describes a protein microarray platform that significantly improves the throughput of assays capable of detecting transient extracellular protein interactions. These methodological improvements now permit screening for novel extracellular receptor?ligand interactions on a genome?wide scale. Curr. Protoc. Protein Sci. 72:27.5.1?27.5.15. © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: receptor?ligand pairs; extracellular protein interactions; AVEXIS; adhesion receptors; transient/weak interactions; high?throughput screening; microarray

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of Microarray AVEXIS Assay
  • Support Protocol 1: High‐Throughput Purification of 6His‐Tagged Proteins
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of Microarray AVEXIS Assay

  • Wash buffer (see recipe )
  • 20 µg each of the bait proteins at 400 ng/µl (see protocol 2 )
  • Dilution buffer (see recipe )
  • Anti‐tag primary antibody [e.g., Anti‐Cd4 antibody (OX68); Santa Cruz, cat. no. sc‐53042]
  • Alkaline phosphatase‐conjugated secondary antibody
  • Substrate 104 (or other alkaline phosphatase substrate; Sigma‐Aldrich)
  • ELISA substrate buffer (see recipe )
  • 3 M NaOH
  • Microarray printing buffer (see recipe )
  • Nitrocefin (Calbiochen)
  • Anhydrous dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • 1× Phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS; see recipe )
  • Milli‐Q water
  • Purified biotinylated HRP
  • Biotinylated anti‐prey antibody
  • Pin cleaning solution (Genomic Solutions; see recipe )
  • Microarray blocking buffer (see recipe )
  • HRP‐conjugated anti‐flag antibody
  • Tyramide signal amplification (TSA) kit (Life Technologies, cat. no. T30953) containing:
    • Labeled tyramide (Component A)
    • Hydrogen peroxide (Component F)
    • Amplification buffer (Component E)
  • N 2 gas, optional
  • Streptavidin‐coated 96‐well plate (Nunc)
  • Tissue paper
  • 22°C incubator
  • Aluminum foil
  • Plate reader (e.g., PHERAStar Plus; BMG Labtec)
  • 30,000‐MWCO (molecular weight cut off) spin concentrator
  • Streptavidin‐coated microarray slides (Xantec)
  • −20°C freezer
  • Centrifuge
  • V‐bottom 384‐well plates
  • Microarray spotting machine (MicroGrid II, Digilab)
  • FAST frame multi‐slide plate with slide holders (Whatman)
  • Vortex mixer

Support Protocol 1: High‐Throughput Purification of 6His‐Tagged Proteins

  • Tissue culture supernatants containing proteins of interest
  • 2 M imidazole, pH 7.4
  • 4 M NaCl
  • 20% ethanol
  • Deionized water
  • Running buffer (see recipe )
  • Elution buffer (see recipe )
  • 96‐well His MultiTrap HP Ni‐NTA plates (GE Healthcare)
  • Plate docking platform (Sun et al., )
  • 50‐ml plastic syringes
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  •   Figure 27.5.1 Workflows involved in low‐affinity interaction detection by AVEXIS. Bait and prey proteins are produced as soluble recombinant proteins by transiently transfecting a mammalian cell line. The proteins are purified using an oligo‐His tag using a bespoke purification apparatus (the “Protein Press”) and subsequently printed onto glass slides before screening for interactions.
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  •   Figure 27.5.2 Flowchart showing the salient features of the bait and prey proteins, microarray printing and AVEXIS interaction screening. (A ) Design of the monomeric enzymatically monobiotinylated bait and pentamerized, enzyme‐tagged prey proteins. (B ) Construction of the protein microarrays by printing the monomeric biotinylated bait proteins on streptavidin‐coated slides. (C ) Procedure for screening of the protein microarrays with the prey proteins to detect interactions.
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  •   Figure 27.5.3 An image of a processed microarray slide illustrating typical results. Bait proteins were serially diluted and printed onto a microarray (with the most concentrated solutions at the top) before being probed with an appropriate prey. Positive interactions are detected in a concentration‐dependent manner. The slides also contain prey‐positive controls, landing marks (biotinylated HRP), and negative controls.
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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