
Analytical Ultracentrifugation: Sedimentation Velocity Analysis


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Literature Cited



The analytical ultracentrifuge is a high speed centrifuge with an optical system allowing observation of the concentration of macromolecules as a function of radius and time. In sedimentation velocity experiments,relatively high speeds are used so that a boundary is formed between the solution of sedimenting macromolecule and the buffer in which it is dissolved. Analysis of the rate boundary movement and evolution of its shape can yield information about the molar masses of species present as well as stoichiometries and equilibrium constants for their interactions. This overview discusses crucial issues pertaining to sedimentation velocity experiments, including non?interacting and interacting systems, ideality and non?ideality, and reversible versus kinetically limited equilibrium scenarios.

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Table of Contents

  • Sedimentation Velocity Theory
  • Experimental Design and Protocols
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Tables
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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Key References
   Williams et al., 1958. See above.
   This selection of three pieces of older literature contains a tremendous amount of information that is very germane to modern day sedimentation analysis.
   Schachman, 1959. See above.
   Claesson and Moring‐Claesson, 1961. See above.
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