
Phage‐Based Expression Cloning to Identify Interacting Proteins


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Phage?based expression cloning is a simple, rapid, and powerful technique to identify interacting proteins. A protein of interest is expressed as a recombinant fusion protein and labeled with 32 P at an engineered recognition site to facilitate detection. b?gal proteins that are fused in?frame to cDNA inserts in a phage?derived expression library are produced by the phage and adsorbed onto nitrocellulose filters. The filters are then screened with the radioactive protein probe to identify phage clones that express the interacting protein. This technique leads directly to the isolation of a cDNA encoding the interacting protein, bypassing the need for labor?intensive protein purification, microsequencing, or antibody production.

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Table of Contents

  • Strategic Planning
  • Basic Protocol 1: Interaction Cloning
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Interaction Cloning

  • cAMP‐dependent protein kinase (PKA; e.g., 250‐U lots from Sigma)
  • 40 mM DTT, prepared fresh
  • recipe10× PKA buffer (see recipe )
  • 10 mCi/ml [γ‐32 P]ATP (6000 mCi/mmol)
  • Purified glutathione‐S ‐transferase (GST)–bait protein fusion protein with a PKA recognition site (unit 16.7 ), at ∼0.1 to 1 µg/µl concentration
  • recipeZ′‐KCl (see recipe ), ice cold
  • Sephadex G‐50 equilibrated in recipeZ′‐KCl
  • E. coli Y1090r or other appropriate host strain
  • LB medium containing appropriate selective antibiotic (see unit 1.1 appendix 3F , and Table 97.80.4711 ), 10 mM MgSO 4 , and 0.2% maltose
  • 10 mM MgSO 4
  • 10 mM IPTG (Table 97.80.4711 )
  • 150‐ or 100‐mm LB plates (with antibiotic, if necessary; unit 1.1 )
  • 0.7% top agarose (unit 1.1 ), 47°C
  • recipeTris‐buffered saline with Triton X‐100 (TBS‐T ; see recipe )
  • India ink
  • recipeHEPES blocking buffer (HBB ; see recipe )
  • recipeBinding buffer (BB ; see recipe )
  • Suspension medium (SM ; unit 6.12 )
  • Chloroform
  • 3‐ml disposable plastic columns or disposable syringe and glass wool
  • Scintillation counter and fluid
  • Tabletop centrifuge or equivalent
  • Nitrocellulose membrane filters (137‐ and 82‐mm disks)
  • 22‐G needle
  • Additional reagents and equipment for preparation and purification of recombinant glutathione‐S ‐transferase fusion protein (unit 16.7 ), SDS‐PAGE (optional; unit 10.2 ), autoradiography ( appendix 3A ), titering and plating λ phage to generate plaques (unit 1.11 & unit 6.1 ), and purification of bacteriophage clones (unit 6.5 )
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  •   Figure Figure 20.3.1 Schematic representation of the interaction cloning technique used to identify proteins that associate with a protein of interest (bait protein), and the expected results of a successful screen. (A ) Expression of β‐galactosidase fusion proteins from in‐frame cDNA inserts of a λgt11 Arabidopsis library is induced with IPTG‐impregnated nitrocellulose membrane filters (indicated by an oval). Filters are probed with GST‐bait fusion protein labeled with 32 P (⋅) at the PKA recognition site located at the junction of the fusion. Interacting clones are detected by autoradiography. (B ) Representative autoradiogram of a tertiary screen of a positive plaque after the control experiment to determine whether the interaction is specific for the bait portion of the probe. The top half of the filter is probed with GST‐bait while the bottom half is probed with GST alone as a control.
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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Key References
   Blanar and Rutter 1992. See above.
   The described in this unit is modified directly from the Blanar and Rutter protocol.
   Huynh et al., 1985. See above.
   Provides an excellent description of constructing and screening λgt11 cDNA expression libraries.
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