
Measurement of Cation Movement in Primary Cultures Using Fluorescent Dyes


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Ca2+ , Na+ , K+ , and Mg2+ have a central role in neuronal excitability. The concentration of these cations in the cytoplasm of neurons (generically termed [ion+ ]i) provides a marker of the excitation state of the neurons, and may also illuminate the activity of specific signaling mechanisms that involve Ca2+ ? or Mg2+ ?activated enzymes. The measurement of [ion+ ]i in cultured neurons is achieved with the use of an ion?sensitive fluorescent dye in combination with equipment designed to quantitatively measure fluorescence. Specificity is obtained by choosing dyes with the appropriate selectivity for the ion of interest. Measurements of steady state ion concentrations can be made, as well as measurements of the net difference between ion movement into the cytoplasm (in response to a stimulus) and the physiological buffering of that ion. The procedures in this unit for loading and recording from dyes are broadly similar for each ion when ratiometric dyes are used as described, and can readily be modified for use with single?wavelength dyes. Support protocols are provided for calibration of individual dyes, which can be more problematic.

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Table of Contents

  • Strategic Planning
  • Basic Protocol 1: Measurement of [ion+]i Using Ratiometric Dyes
  • Calibration for Ratiometric Dyes
  • Support Protocol 1: Cell‐Free Calibration of Ca2+ Dyes
  • Support Protocol 2: In Situ Calibration of Ca2+Dyes
  • Support Protocol 3: In Situ Calibration of Na+ Dyes
  • Support Protocol 4: Cell‐Free Calibration of Mg2+ Dyes
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Calibration and Measurement Using Nonratiometric [Ca2+]i Dyes
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Measurement of [ion+]i Using Ratiometric Dyes

  • 1 mM dye solution (see recipe ): acetoxymethyl (AM) ester of ion‐sensitive dye
  • HEPES buffer (see recipe ), with and without 5 mg/ml BSA
  • Primary cultures of neurons prepared on no. 1 glass coverslips
  • Drugs for stimulating ion changes (optional): e.g., 1 mM glutamate, glycine, or N ‐methyl‐D‐aspartate (NMDA) in HEPES buffer
  • 35‐mm disposable plastic culture dishes
  • Fluorescence recording system (see , Fig. )

Support Protocol 1: Cell‐Free Calibration of Ca2+ Dyes

  • 1 mM dye solution (see recipe ): pentapotassium salt of dye in deionized water
  • Ca2+ calibration solutions (see recipe and Table 7.11.2 )
  • Clean coverslips (without neurons)
  • Curve‐fitting software (e.g., Prism, GraphPad Software)

Support Protocol 2: In Situ Calibration of Ca2+Dyes

  • Intracellular buffer (see recipe )
  • 1 mM dye solution( recipe ): acetoxymethylester (AM) of dye to be calibrated
  • BSA
  • 1 mM antimycin in methanol
  • 1 mM nigericin in ethanol
  • 100 mM 2‐deoxyglucose (2‐DG) in water
  • 100 mM EGTA (see recipe )
  • Primary culture of neurons prepared on no. 1 glass coverslips
  • 1 mM carbonyl cyanide p ‐trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone (FCCP) in methanol
  • 1 mM Ca2+ ionophore (ionomycin or 4bromo‐A23187; Molecular Probes) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • 140 mM CaCl 2 in H 2 O
  • 35‐mm tissue culture disk
NOTE: This approach relies on poisoning the neuron during the dye loading process to prevent Ca2+ buffering, and then using an ionophore to load the neuron with a high concentration of Ca2+ .

Support Protocol 3: In Situ Calibration of Na+ Dyes

  • HEPES buffer( recipe )
  • 1 mM SBFI acetoxymethyl ester (SBFI AM; Molecular Probes) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • BSA
  • Primary culture of neurons prepared on no. 1 glass coverslips
  • Na+ ‐free HEPES buffer
  • 1 mM gramicidin D in DMSO
  • HEPES buffer containing 5, 10, 50, 100, and 140 mM Na+ (prepare by mixing HEPES buffer with Na+ ‐free HEPES buffer)

Support Protocol 4: Cell‐Free Calibration of Mg2+ Dyes

  • Ca2+ ‐free HEPES buffer (see recipe ) containing 1 mM EGTA
  • 1 mM Ca2+ ionophore (ionomycin or 4Br‐A23187; Molecular Probes) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • 100 mM CaCl 2 in H 2 O
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  •   Figure Figure 7.11.1 Schematic of a fluorescence recording system. The function of the system components are described in the text (see Strategic Planning). The computer controls the wavelength selector in equipment used for monitoring dual‐excitation dyes, and is critical for data acquisition from the detector in all recording systems. The diaphragm is not usually necessary in CCD camera–based imaging systems.
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  •   Figure Figure 7.11.2 Typical results using a dual‐emission [Ca2+ ]i indicator, Indo‐1. Recordings were made from a single cultured forebrain neuron (e.g., White and Reynolds, ). (A ) Typical raw fluorescence values after background subtraction (bottom two traces) and the resulting ratios (top trace). The increases in the 405/490 ratio were provoked by two 15‐sec applications of 3 µM glutamate/1 µM glycine, repeated 15 min apart. Note that the actual value of the ratio depends on the output of each detector. As detector sensitivity can be independently varied, the ratios can be adjusted over a relatively wide range of values. However, it is critical that detector sensitivity be kept constant following calibration in order to generate meaningful values for [Ca2+ ]i . (B ) Data from (A) were converted to [Ca2+ ]i using the calibration parameters K = 1009, R min = 0.792, and R max = 6.356. Note that the relationship between ratios and [Ca2+ ]i is nonlinear, such that a given ratio change represents a larger [Ca2+ ]i change at higher ratios than at lower ratios. This has the effect of emphasizing the peaks in the data and underemphasizing changes in [Ca2+ ]i near baseline values.
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Literature Cited

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Key Reference
   Mason, W.T. 1993. Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity. Academic Press, London.
   This is an excellent book that covers all aspects of the principles and practice of fluorescence microscopy. It also discusses cation‐sensitive dyes and numerous other subjects.
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