
Overview of Biacore Systems and Their Applications


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Literature Cited



Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) allows for the investigation of the functional nature of binding interactions and provides detailed kinetic information across a wide range of molecular weights, including small molecules, all without the use of labels. Here the various Biacore instrument platforms and their primary uses, ranging from semi?automated systems designed for simple, flexible basic research to fully automated, high?throughput systems, and systems designed to function in regulated environments, are all highlighted. The available sensor chip surfaces and immobilization techniques are also discussed. Biacore SPR biosensors can be used for a wide variety of assays, including specificity, active concentration measurement, kinetics, and affinity and thermodynamic parameters. Biacore SPR biosensors, which measure real?time analysis of biospecific interactions without the use of labeled molecules, can be used for a wide variety of protein interaction assays. In this unit, examples and recommendations for studying protein interactions with a variety of molecules are provided. This unit also shows how the technology can be used to determine binding specificity, active concentration measurements, and the determination of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters.

Keywords: Biacore; SPR; surface plasmon resonance; biosensor; label?free; protein interaction analysis

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Table of Contents

  • Biacore System Overview
  • Surface Preparation
  • Assay Types
  • Protein Interaction Analysis
  • Literature Cited
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Literature Cited

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Key References
   Dhalluin et al., 2005. See above.
   Karlsson and Larsson. 2004. See above.
   Nordin et al., 2005. See above.
   Shuman et al., 2004. See above.
Internet Resources
   Details and animations of SPR technology, Biacore instruments, application notes, a reference database, guidelines to common immobilization chemistries, an immobilization and regeneration database, self‐training tools, and course listings are available.
   Maleimide coupling reagents are available from Pierce Chemical.
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