
Lentiviral Vector Mediated Transgenesis


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



The genetic manipulation of rodents through the generation of fully transgenic animals or via the modification of selective cells or organs is a procedure of paramount importance for biomedical research, either to address fundamental questions or to develop preclinical models of human diseases. Lentiviral vectors occupy the front stage in this scene, as they can mediate the integration and stable expression of transgenes both in vitro and in vivo. Widely used to modify a variety of cells, including re?implantable somatic and embryonic stem cells, lentiviral vectors can also be directly administered in vivo, for instance in the brain. However, perhaps their most spectacular research application is in the generation of transgenic animals. Compared with the three?decade?old DNA pronuclear injection technique, lentivector?mediated transgenesis is simple, cheap, and highly efficient. Furthermore, it can take full advantage of the great diversity of lentiviral vectors developed for other applications, and thus allows for ubiquitous or tissue?specific or constitutive or externally controllable transgene expression, as well as RNAi?mediated gene knockdown. Curr. Protoc. Mouse Biol. 1:169?184. © 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: lentiviral vector; transgenesis; transgenic animals

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Table of Contents

  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1:

  • Mouse hybrid strain B6D2F1 derived from C57BL/6JxDBA2J (females and males purchased at 5 and 8 weeks of age, respectively from Charles River Laboratories)
  • Pregnant mare serum (PMS; see recipe )
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG; see recipe )
  • Egg medium (see recipe )
  • Embryo‐tested mineral oil, sterile filtered, (Sigma, cat. no. M5310)
  • 70% ethanol
  • Hyaluronidase (H‐3506 Sigma)
  • NMRI female 7 weeks old minimum (Charles River Laboratories)
  • Vasectomized males NMRI, 2 to 10 months old (Charles River Laboratories)
  • Lentiviral vector (see Barde et al., )
  • Ketarum (see recipe )
  • Artificial tears: Viscotears (Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG, Bern, Switzerland)
  • Phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS)
  • Heparin‐Na 25000 IE/5 ml (Braun, 3511014; http://www.bbraunusa.com/)
  • Histopaque‐1083 (Sigma, cat. no. H8889)
  • PBS containing 1% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS)
  • DNAeasy Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Qiagen, cat. no. 69509)
  • pTitin (available from Addgene, http://www.addgene.org), a pRRL vector in which the target sequence of the Titin primers used for normalization has been cloned (this plasmid allows one to perform a standard curve)
  • Kit for preparing qPCR master mix (TaqMan universal PCR master mix, no AmpErase UNG; Applied Biosystems, cat. no. 4324020, including 2× reaction buffer)
  • Primers and probe for Gag, WPRE, and Titin detection (see Table 10.1.6900 )
  • U‐100 insulin syringe, 29‐G, 0.33 mm × 12.7 mm, Microfine (Becton Dickinson)
  • Petri dishes (3 cm, sterile)
  • Surgical draping
  • Surgical instruments
  • Understage illumination stereomicroscope (Leica, MZ7.5)
  • Mouth pipet aspirator tube assemblies for calibrated microcapillary pipets (Sigma, cat. no. A5177‐5EA)
  • Capillaries for mouth pipet (Drummond microdispenser; 2‐000‐050; Milian)
  • Capillary for injection micropipet: borosilicate standard wall with filament,1.2 mm O.D., 0.69 mm I.D., 100 mm length, (Harvard Apparatus, cat. no. 300044)
  • Puller for preparing injection micropipet (INJECT+MATIC, http://www.injectmatic.com/)
  • Sterile holding pipet vacutips (Vaudaux‐Eppendorf, 5175 108.000)
  • Sequencing tip microloader (Vaudaux‐Eppendorf, 5242 956)
  • Inverted microscope (Leica AS TP) with TransferMan NK2 micromanipulators (Eppendorf) and microinjector (INJECT+MATIC, http://www.injectmatic.com/)
  • Hypodermic needles, microlance, 30‐G, ½‐in.
  • Heating pad 5 × 12.5 cm (40‐90‐2‐07 FHC)
  • Suture clips
  • MicroAmp 96‐well optical reaction plate (Applied Biosystems)
  • Optical adhesive Film (Applied Biosystems)
  • Centrifuge with microtiter plate carrier
  • Real‐time PCR machine (e.g., 7900HT Sequence Detector, Applied Biosystems)
  • Computer running SDS7900HT software (Applied Biosystems) and Microsoft Excel
  • Additional reagents and equipment for sacrifice of mice (Donovan and Brown, ), flow cytometry (Robinson et al., ), and quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR; Fraga et al., )
    Table 0.1.1   Materials   Primers and Probes for the Genotyping of Transgenic Animals Obtained by Lentiviral Vector–Mediated Transgenesis a   Primers and Probes for the Genotyping of Transgenic Animals Obtained by Lentiviral Vector–Mediated Transgenesis

    Sequence detected Primer/probe name Primer/probe sequence Probe fluorophores
    Titin Titin_forward AAAACGAGCAGTGACGTGAGC  
      Titin_reverse TTCAGTCATGCTGCTAGCGC  

     a Gag oligos are used for amplification of HIV‐1 derived vector sequences and are specific for the 5′ end of the gag gene. This sequence is present in all HIV‐1‐derived vectors, as it is part of the extended packaging signal. WPRE oligos amplify the WPRE sequence present in almost all later‐generation LV vectors (see Commentary). Titin oligos are used to normalize for the amount of genomic DNA and are specific for the mouse titin gene. Stocks of probes and primers usually come lyophilized and are diluted to 10 µM in water.
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  •   Figure 1. Specific materials required for the manipulation of embryos. A 3‐cm Petri dish with 1 ml egg medium (A ); a 3‐cm dish with six droplets of 25 µl of egg medium covered by embryo‐tested mineral oil (B ); injection chamber: one lid of a 3 cm dish with two droplets of 20 µl of egg medium covered by embryo‐tested mineral oil (C ); and a mouth pipet (D ) containing a fine capillary at its tip (E ).
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  •   Figure 2. Harvest of embryos. The dissected part of the ovary and oviduct are placed in the 3‐cm dish with 1 ml prewarmed egg medium (A ). The ampulla (Am) is the bulged part of the oviduct and is normally easily visible if the superovulation was successful. The ampulla is opened by carefully tearing the wall using fine forceps (B ), and the embryos (Em) then pop out (C ). The embryos are still surrounded by numerous small cells (D ) that the hyaluronidase disaggregates (E ).
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  •   Figure 3. Perivitelline injection of the lentiviral vector stock. An embryo is held on the left with the holding pipet and on the right the injection micropipet containing the lentiviral vector stock is introduced through the zona pellucida (A ). The injection micropipet is gently pushed into the perivitelline space (B ) and delivers 10 to 100 pl of the vector stock leading to visible swelling of the area (C ).
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  •   Figure 4. Transfer of embryos into the ampulla. Under a stereomicroscope, the ampulla (A) is held with fine forceps (F), and the embryo‐containing capillary of the mouth pipet (M) is introduced into the hole previously made with a hypodermic needle. The embryos are injected gently towards the ampulla.
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  •   Figure 5. (figure appears on previous page) Setup and analysis for the qPCR genotyping of the transgenic animals. (A ) Dilution of the pTitin plasmid standard for the qPCR titration. (B ) Example of template of the 96‐well plate for the qPCR assay. (C ) Representative qPCR analysis. Genomic DNA from transgenic mouse blood was subjected to qPCR amplification and monitoring using a Perkin‐Elmer 7900HT (Applied Biosystems) with sets of primers and probes specific for HIV Gag or Titin sequences. Amplification plots were displayed and cycle threshold values (Ct) were set as described in the text. SDS software allows calculation of the standard curve (square point) and determination of Gag and Titin quantity for each animal (cross point). Values of Gag and Titin quantities exported into an Excel worksheet.
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  •   Figure 6. Examples of some lentiviral vector designs, for gene overexpression (A ), gene knock‐down with a shRNA (B ), and gene regulation (C ). The vectors are self‐inactivating: the 5′ U3 region is from the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV); they all bear the encapsidation signal (including a short gag ‐derived sequence), the Rev‐responsive element (RRE), the central polypurine tract with its termination sequence (cPPT/cTS), and the woodchuck hepatitis virus responsive element (WPRE). “Promoter” designates the transcriptional unit responsible for expression of the transgene, and can be either ubiquitous (human phosphoglycerate kinase, hPGK; ubiquitin, UbC) or tissue specific (e.g., calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II, CamKII; liver‐specific transthyretin, mTTR). IRES refers to the internal ribosome entry site of the encephalomyocarditis virus, which directly recruits ribosomes, thus allowing bicistronic expression. pA is a monodirectional poly(A) site derived from the bovine growth hormone gene. The reporter can be, for example, the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP), or one of its variants such as CFP, YFP, dsRed, or Tomato. For gene knockdown, the shRNA is expressed under the control of the H1 or U6 polymerase III promoters. For gene regulation, one of the most powerful designs is based on the Tet‐on system allowing gene expression in the presence of doxycycline, an analog of tetracycline. The gene of interest, which can be either a cDNA or an miRNA‐embedded shRNA, is under the control of the tetracycline‐regulated minimal CMV promoter (TRE), and the tetracycline‐dependent transactivator (rtTA, or improved version such as rtTA2S‐M2) is expressed under the control of a constitutive promoter, which can also be a ubiquitous or tissue‐specific one.
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  •   Figure 7. Time flowchart for lentiviral vector mediated transgenesis.
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Literature Cited

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