Solutions for Hartwell Complete (HC) Media
10X HC (7 Dropout Amino Acid Liquid)
2.4 g tyr3.2 g ile
2.0 g phe
4.0 g glu
8.0 g thr
4.0 g asp
6.0 g val
16.0 g ser
0.8 g arg
in final volume of 4L - Autoclave
58 g YNB (w/o amino acids and w/o ammonium sulfate)200 g ammonium sulfate
in a final volume of 4L - Autoclave
Amino Acid Solutions (note these are NOT 10X solutions, see below)
URA 1 mg/mlADE 1 mg/ml
LYS 10 mg/ml
MET 2 mg/ml
TRP 10 mg/ml
LEU 20 mg/ml
HIS 10 mg/ml
Example Recipe of Complete Plates
20 g of Agar in 609 ml distilled water in a 2L flaskAutoclave 20 minutes
Add the following:
FOA plates
20 g of Agar in 609 ml distilled water in a 2L flaskAutoclave 20 minutes
Add the following:
Let flask cool to 50 deg C, then add 1.0 g of 5-FOA.