
Assessment of Drug Transporter Function Using Fluorescent Cell Imaging


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



ATP?binding cassette (ABC) proteins, including the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) and multidrug resistance proteins (MDRs), actively transport structurally diverse chemicals from a number of tissues and are being increasingly cited as mediators of clinically relevant drug?drug interactions. The potential outcomes of concomitantly administering two drugs that interact at the same transporter include altered disposition and toxicity and/or efficacy of one or both of the drugs. Research demonstrating the role of transporters in clinical pharmacokinetics has shed light on the need for in vitro screening methods that detect drug?transporter interactions during preclinical development. This unit describes cell?based procedures for detecting functional inhibitors of BCRP and MDR1 by measuring fluorescent substrate accumulation in suspended cells using an automated cell counter, which offers convenience, sensitivity, and speed in measuring intracellular fluorescence and identifying new inhibitors. An alternative method is provided for making similar measurements using a spectrophotometer with fluorescence detection capabilities. Curr. Protoc. Toxicol . 57:21.12.1?21.12.15. © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: ABC transporter; MDR1; BCRP; ABCB1; ABCG2

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Measurement of Transporter Function in Cells Overexpressing an ABC Transporter Using an Automated Fluorescent Cell Counter
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Measurement of Transporter Function in Cells that Endogenously Express ABC Transporters Using an Automated Fluorescent Cell Counter
  • Alternate Protocol 2: Measurement of Transporter Function in Cells Overexpressing an ABC Transporter Using a 96‐Well Plate Fluorescence Reader
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Measurement of Transporter Function in Cells Overexpressing an ABC Transporter Using an Automated Fluorescent Cell Counter

  • Fluorescent substrate, appropriate to the transporter, e.g., Rhodamine 123 (Sigma‐Aldrich) or Hoechst 33342 (Sigma‐Aldrich)
  • Positive control inhibitor, appropriate to the transporter, e.g., PSC833 (Xenotech) or Ko143 (Sigma‐Aldrich)
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • Test inhibitors
  • Complete cell culture medium appropriate for cell line used
  • Cell dissociation medium: 0.25% (w/v) trypsin
  • Confluent cultures of cell lines overexpressing transporters of interest grown in 75‐cm2 cell culture flasks:
    • Laboratory‐generated cell lines transfected (e.g., using Lipofectamine) with plasmids containing ABC efflux transporters and empty vector controls (e.g., OriGene)
    • Commercially available cell lines, e.g., SB MDCKII BCRP and SB MDCKII MDR1, transfected cell lines; SB HL60 MRP1 and SB K562 MRP1 selected cell lines (Solvo Biotechnology)
  • Phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS; appendix 2A ): sterilize by autoclaving or passing through a 0.2‐µm filter and chill in a 4°C refrigerator or on ice
  • 15‐ml tubes: sterile, amber‐colored, if available
  • 1.5‐ and 2‐ml microcentrifuge tubes, amber‐colored, if available
  • 2‐ to 25‐ml automatic serological pipettor (e.g., Easypet, Eppendorf)
  • Cellometer Vision automated cell counter and computer software (Nexcelom Bioscience)
  • 96‐well clear, round‐bottom microtiter plates with lids (e.g., Greiner Bio‐One Cellstar)
  • Microtiter plate centrifuge, set to 5°C
  • Biohazard waste container
  • Paper towels
  • 37°C, 5% CO 2 cell culture incubator
  • 100‐ to 1000‐µl eight‐channel automatic pipettor
  • 5‐ to 50‐µl eight‐channel manual pipettor
  • Aluminum foil
  • Cellometer counting chamber slides (Nexcelom Bioscience)
  • Cellometer Vision fluorescence optics modules (Nexcelom Bioscience)
    • VB‐450‐302 (Ex/Em: 375/450 nm for Hoechst 33342)
    • VB‐595‐502 (Ex/Em: 525/595 nm for Rhodamine 123)
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  •   Figure Figure 23.6.1 Distribution of fluorescent substrate (FS) solution and medium in preparation for the addition of positive control inhibitor and various concentrations of test inhibitors in subsequent steps.
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  •   Figure Figure 23.6.2 The layout for a 96‐well round‐bottom microtiter plate showing the placement of cell types and prepared solutions (100 µl). Abbreviations: FS, fluorescent substrate; FS + I, fluorescent substrate plus positive control inhibitor; no FS, no fluorescent substrate.
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  •   Figure Figure 23.6.3 Cell loading procedure for imaging. This image demonstrates the addition of suspended cells (20 µl) into a counting chamber slide. It should be noted that a blue dye was used to visualize the loading. During a typical experiment, the solution will be colorless.
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  •   Figure Figure 23.6.4 Example results with fluorescent substrates. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with human BCRP or MDR1 genes or empty vector plasmids were incubated with fluorescent substrates (BCRP, Hoechst 33342; MDR1, Rhodamine 123). Positive inhibitors (BCRP, Ko143; MDR1, PSC833) were used to block efflux of fluorescent substrates. (A ) The distribution of individual cell fluorescence. Each point represents the mean percent of cells ± SD exhibiting a quantity of fluorescence. (B ) Data (bar graphs) are presented as mean relative fluorescence ±SD normalized to cell size.
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Literature Cited

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