


<font><strong>选择性阻止大脑中称之为11beta-HSD1的酶在实验中成功逆转了年老小鼠的记忆丧失, 在全球人口老龄化的背景下,这一研究成果将有深远的影响意义。<br /> <br /> —— Docofsoul </strong> </font>

<center> <strong>Promising Drug Candidate Reverses Age-Related Memory Loss in Mice</strong></center>

ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2010) — Researchers at the University of Edinburgh report a new experimental compound that can improve memory and cognitive function in aging mice. The compound is being investigated with a view to developing a drug that could slow the natural decline in memory associated with aging.

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A new experimental compound that can improve memory and cognitive function in aging mice, researchers report. (Credit: iStockphoto)

With support from a Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery award, the team has identified a preclinical candidate that they hope to take into human trials within a year.

Many people find they become more forgetful as they get older and we generally accept it as a natural part of the aging process. Absent mindedness and a difficulty to concentrate are not uncommon, it takes longer to recall a person's name, and we can't remember where we left the car keys. These can all be early signs of the onset of dementia, but for most of us it's just part of getting old.

Such memory loss has been linked with high levels of 'stress' steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids which have a deleterious effect on the part of the brain that helps us to remember. An enzyme called 11beta-HSD1 is involved in making these hormones and has been shown to be more active in the brain during aging.

In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the team reports the effects of a new synthetic compound that selectively blocks 11beta-HSD1 on the ability of mice to complete a memory task, called the Y maze.

Professor Jonathan Seckl from the University of Edinburgh, who discovered the role of 11beta-HSD1 in the brain, described the findings: "Normal old mice often have marked deficits in learning and memory just like some elderly people. We found that life-long partial deficiency of 11beta-HSD1 prevented memory decline with aging. But we were very surprised to find that the blocking compound works quickly over a few days to improve memory in old mice suggesting it might be a good treatment for the already elderly."

The effects were seen after only 10 days of treatment.

Professor Brian Walker and Dr Scott Webster from the University of Edinburgh are leading the drug development programme. Professor Walker added: "These results provide proof-of-concept that this class of drugs could be useful to treat age-related decline in memory. We previously showed that carbenoxolone, an old drug that blocks multiple enzymes including 11beta-HSD1, improves memory in healthy elderly men and in patients with type 2 diabetes after just a month of treatment, so we are optimistic that our new compounds will be effective in humans. The next step is to conduct further studies with our preclinical candidate to prove that the compound is safe to take into clinical trials, hopefully within a year."

The 11beta-HSD1 enzyme has also been implicated in metabolic diseases including diabetes and obesity by the Edinburgh team, and similar drugs that block its activity outside of the brain are already under investigation.

This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council (MRC). The drug development programme in Edinburgh is supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery award from the Wellcome Trust.

Dr Rick Davis of the Wellcome Trust commented: "Developing drugs that can selectively inhibit this enzyme has been a challenge to the pharmaceutical industry for nearly 10 years. Advancing this compound towards clinical trials takes us a step closer to finding a drug that could have far reaching implications as the population ages."


<center> <br /> <strong>Promising Drug Candidate Reverses Age-Related Memory Loss in Mice<br /> <br /> 新的候选药逆转小鼠老年性记忆丧失</strong><br /> <br /> 译者:Docofsoul</center>

ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2010) — Researchers at the University of Edinburgh report a new experimental compound that can improve memory and cognitive function in aging mice. The compound is being investigated with a view to developing a drug that could slow the natural decline in memory associated with aging.

《每日科学》2010年10月13日报道 —— 爱丁堡大学的研究者报告说,一种新的实验化合物能够增进年老小鼠的记忆与认知功能。目前科学家正在测试该化合物,希望能由此开发出一种能够逆转与衰老有关的记忆力衰退进程的药品。

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A new experimental compound that can improve memory and cognitive function in aging mice, researchers report. (Credit: iStockphoto)


With support from a Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery award, the team has identified a preclinical candidate that they hope to take into human trials within a year.

这项研究得到惠康信托新药研究投资计划(Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery)的支持。研究小组业已确认了一种临床前候选药物,并希望能够在一年内进行人类试验。

Many people find they become more forgetful as they get older and we generally accept it as a natural part of the aging process. Absent mindedness and a difficulty to concentrate are not uncommon, it takes longer to recall a person's name, and we can't remember where we left the car keys. These can all be early signs of the onset of dementia, but for most of us it's just part of getting old.


Such memory loss has been linked with high levels of 'stress' steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids which have a deleterious effect on the part of the brain that helps us to remember. An enzyme called 11beta-HSD1 is involved in making these hormones and has been shown to be more active in the brain during aging.


In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the team reports the effects of a new synthetic compound that selectively blocks 11beta-HSD1 on the ability of mice to complete a memory task, called the Y maze.

在一项发表于《神经科学杂志》(Journal of Neuroscience)的研究中,研究小组报告了一种新的合成化合物的(记忆改善)效应。该化合物可选择性阻止11beta-HSD1,从而对小鼠完成Y迷宫记忆任务的能力产生影响。

Professor Jonathan Seckl from the University of Edinburgh, who discovered the role of 11beta-HSD1 in the brain, described the findings: "Normal old mice often have marked deficits in learning and memory just like some elderly people. We found that life-long partial deficiency of 11beta-HSD1 prevented memory decline with aging. But we were very surprised to find that the blocking compound works quickly over a few days to improve memory in old mice suggesting it might be a good treatment for the already elderly."

来自爱丁顿大学的Jonathan Seckl教授发现了11beta-HSD1在大脑中所扮演的角色。他对本研究的发现作了如下形容:“正常的年老小鼠跟老年人相似,经常有学习与记忆缺陷。我们发现,终生持续的11beta-HSD1局部缺陷可防止衰老过程中的记忆减退。但令人非常的惊讶的是,我们又发现了阻止该化合物可在几天内迅速地改善年老小鼠的记忆力。这提示,我们可能由此为老年人找到一种好的(改善记忆力的)疗法。”

The effects were seen after only 10 days of treatment.


Professor Brian Walker and Dr Scott Webster from the University of Edinburgh are leading the drug development programme.

来自爱丁顿大学的Brian Walker 教授与 Scott Webster 博士眼下正领导着该药物的开发计划。

Professor Walker added:"These results provide proof-of-concept that this class of drugs could be useful to treat age-related decline in memory. We previously showed that carbenoxolone, an old drug that blocks multiple enzymes including 11beta-HSD1, improves memory in healthy elderly men and in patients with type 2 diabetes after just a month of treatment, so we are optimistic that our new compounds will be effective in humans. The next step is to conduct further studies with our preclinical candidate to prove that the compound is safe to take into clinical trials, hopefully within a year."


The 11beta-HSD1 enzyme has also been implicated in metabolic diseases including diabetes and obesity by the Edinburgh team, and similar drugs that block its activity outside of the brain are already under investigation.

爱丁顿大学的这一研究小组也已经证实 11beta-HSD1酶与包括糖尿病与肥胖症等在内的代谢病有关。阻止该酶在大脑外活动的类似药物也已纳入研究对象行列。

This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council (MRC). The drug development programme in Edinburgh is supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery award from the Wellcome Trust.

本研究得到了惠康信托(Wellcome Trust)与医学研究委员会(MRC)的支持。爱丁顿的药物开发计划得到来自惠康信托的药物研究投资计划(Seeding Drug Discovery)的支持。

Dr Rick Davis of the Wellcome Trust commented: "Developing drugs that can selectively inhibit this enzyme has been a challenge to the pharmaceutical industry for nearly 10 years. Advancing this compound towards clinical trials takes us a step closer to finding a drug that could have far reaching implications as the population ages."

惠康信托的Rick Davis博士对此评论说:“开发能够选择性地阻止这种酶的药物,近十年来已经成为制药工业的挑战。将这种化合物推向临床试验则使我们向发现所希望的药品走近了一步。全球人口正在老龄化,因此这种药品将有深远的影响意义。”

(Docofsoul 译于 2010-10-14)

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