
Analyzing Shotgun Proteomic Data with PatternLab for Proteomics


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



PatternLab for proteomics is a one?stop shop computational environment for analyzing shotgun proteomic data. Its modules provide means to pinpoint proteins/peptides that are differentially expressed and those that are unique to a state. It can also cluster the ones that share similar expression profiles in time?course experiments, as well as help in interpreting results according to Gene Ontology. PatternLab is user?friendly, simple, and provides a graphical user interface. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 30:13.13.1?13.13.15. © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: shotgun proteomics; label?free proteomic analysis; label?based proteomic analysis

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Parsing Experimental Data into PatternLab's Data Format
  • Basic Protocol 2: TFold and ACFold—Pinpointing Differentially Expressed Proteins
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Performing a Multi‐Class Comparison (a sparseMatrix.txt File with Three or More Classes)
  • Basic Protocol 3: Pinpointing Proteins Unique to a State with the Approximately Area‐Proportional Venn Diagram Module
  • Basic Protocol 4: TrendQuest: Clustering Proteins with Similar Expression Profiles
  • Basic Protocol 5: Compiling the Latest Gene Ontology and Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) into GOEx's Precomputed Format
  • Guidelines for Understanding Results
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.1 The DTASelect parser. This graphical user interface is used to convert spectral counting data obtained from DTASelect into PatternLab's data format (the index and sparse matrix files).
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.2 A TFold pairwise analysis of two biological states. Each protein (represented as a dot) is mapped according to its log2 (fold change) on the ordinate axis and its −log2 (t‐test p‐value) on the abscissa axis. The latter indicates how likely the observed fold change is a result of chance. Fold changes refer to the ratios of the average relative quantitation values obtained for each state. Accordingly, blue‐dot proteins have p‐values of <0.05 and an absolute fold change >2.5, the established fold‐change cutoff. Orange‐dot proteins did not meet the fold‐change cutoff but were indicated as statistically different. Green‐dot proteins met the fold‐change cutoff but cannot be claimed to be statistically different. Red dots did not satisfy the fold‐change or the statistical cutoffs. The theoretical false‐positive estimator indicates that 125 out of the 148 proteins selected as differentially expressed are likely to be truly differentially expressed.
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.3 Class selection pop‐up window. When a PatternLab module is set to analyze a sparse matrix containing more than two classes, this pop‐up is displayed so the user can choose which classes to be included in the analysis. The example provided shows a sparse matrix containing seven classes.
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.4 The XFold graphical user interface. XFold is used when pinpointing differentially expressed proteins in a multi‐class analysis.
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.5 The AAPVD graphical user interface. This tool's main usage is to pinpoint unique proteins to a state and to obtain a bird's eye view of how different the states are.
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.6 The TrendQuest graphical user interface. This tool is used to group proteins/peptides that have similar expression profiles.
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  •   Figure Figure 13.13.7 The GOEx graphical user interface. GOEx leverages GO to aid in the interpretation of shotgun proteomic data; it can also consider expression fold changes.
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Literature Cited

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