
Nucleotide Analogues as Probes for DNA and RNA Polymerases


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Nucleotide analogues represent a major class of anti?cancer and anti?viral drugs, and provide an extremely powerful tool for dissecting the mechanisms of DNA and RNA polymerases. While the basic assays themselves are relatively straightforward, a key issue is to appropriately design the studies to answer the mechanistic question of interest. This unit addresses the major issues involved in designing these studies, and some of the potential difficulties that arise in interpreting the data. Examples are given for the type of analogues typically used, the experimental approaches with different polymerases, and issues with data interpretation. Curr. Protoc. Chem Biol. 2:111?124. © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: polymerase; nucleotide; DNA; RNA; kinetics

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Sugar Analogues
  • Base Analogues
  • Effects of DNA Sequence
  • 3′‐5′ Exonuclease Activity
  • Challenges of RNA Polymerases
  • Data Interpretation
  • Examples of Difficulty Interpreting how a Polymerase Interacts with a Nucleotide
  • Acknowledgements
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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  •   Figure 1. Examples of clinically useful anticancer and antiviral nucleosides that involve DNA polymerase activity. (A ) Antiviral agents. (B ) Cancer chemotherapeutics.
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  •   Figure 2. Reported modifications of the sugar of a nucleoside.
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  •   Figure 3. Examples of modified bases that have been used to probe DNA and/or RNA polymerases. R = ribose or 2′‐deoxyribose. This list is not meant to be comprehensive, and my apologies to those researchers and their compounds that were not included.
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  •   Figure 4. General methods to analyze dNTP polymerization onto a primer‐template.
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  •   Figure 5. Polymerization of two consecutive dNTPs by a DNA polymerase.
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  •   Figure 6. Structure of entecavir.
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  •   Figure 7. Inhibition of herpes DNA polymerase by acyclovir triphosphate (ACVTP).
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  •   Figure 8. Partitioning analysis of NTP polymerization by a RNA polymerase.
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  •   Figure 9. Two chemically similar interconversions that have dramatically different effects on incorporation of the resulting dNTP by Klenow fragment.
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  •   Figure 10. Unusually shaped base pairs that Klenow fragment generates with high efficiency.
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Literature Cited

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