Single-channel Protocols and Data Analysis
6 Single-channel Protocols and Data Analysis 141
6.1 General Single-channel Practice and Analysis 141
6.1.1 Practical notes 141
6.1.2 Amplitude analysis 143
6.1.3 Event detection 148
6.1.4 Dwell time analysis 152
6.2 Continuous Recording of Single Channels 157
6.2.1 Data acquisition 157
6.2.2 Spontaneous activity 158
6.2.3 Receptor-induced activity 160
6.3 Study of Single-voltage-dependent Channels 160
6.3.1 Step protocols 160
6.3.2 Ramp protocols 162
6.3.3 Correlation with macro-currents 164
6.1 General Single-channel Practice and Analysis 141
6.1.1 Practical notes 141
6.1.2 Amplitude analysis 143
6.1.3 Event detection 148
6.1.4 Dwell time analysis 152
6.2 Continuous Recording of Single Channels 157
6.2.1 Data acquisition 157
6.2.2 Spontaneous activity 158
6.2.3 Receptor-induced activity 160
6.3 Study of Single-voltage-dependent Channels 160
6.3.1 Step protocols 160
6.3.2 Ramp protocols 162
6.3.3 Correlation with macro-currents 164
上一篇:Basic Theoretical Principles--膜片钳基本理论 下一篇:Use of HMS Genetics Confocal Microscope