
Using the Blocks Database to Recognize Functional Domains


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Blocks are ungapped multiple alignments of related protein sequence segments that correspond to the most conserved regions of the proteins. The Blocks Database is a collection of blocks representing known protein families that can be used to compare a protein or DNA sequence with documented families of proteins. Protocols in this unit describe the analysis of proteins and families using Blocks?based tools, including searching, exploring relationships with trees, making new blocks, and designing PCR primers from blocks for isolating homologous sequences.

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Table of Contents

  • Basic Protocol 1: Exploring Protein Families Using the Blocks Database
  • Support Protocol 1: Search Blocks Versus Other Databases
  • Basic Protocol 2: Analyzing Protein Sequences with the Block Searcher
  • Basic Protocol 3: Analyzing DNA Sequences with the Block Searcher
  • Basic Protocol 4: Viewing Trees Based on Blocks
  • Basic Protocol 5: Using Block Maker
  • Basic Protocol 6: Designing Primers from Blocks
  • Guidelines for Understanding Results
  • Commentary
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: Exploring Protein Families Using the Blocks Database

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Workstation, personal computer, or terminal connected to the Internet
  • Software
    • Any type of Web browser for the Web interface
    • Either Chime or Rasmol helper application to view protein structures using a browser

Support Protocol 1: Search Blocks Versus Other Databases

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Workstation, personal computer, or terminal connected to the Internet. The programs can be installed on common Unix workstations.
  • Software
    • E‐mail program for the E‐mail interface
    • Web browser for the Web interface
    • Pre‐compiled versions of the programs are provided for Sun Solaris and Linux systems. Other Unix systems need an ANSI C compiler. See the downloaded INSTALL file for installation instructions.
  • Files
    • Query sequences are accepted in FASTA or GenBank format ( appendix 1B )

Basic Protocol 2: Analyzing Protein Sequences with the Block Searcher

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Workstation, personal computer, or terminal connected to the Internet. The programs can be installed on common Unix workstations.
  • Software
    • E‐mail program for the E‐mail interface
    • Web browser for the Web interface
    • Pre‐compiled versions of the programs are provided for Sun Solaris and Linux systems. Other Unix systems need an ANSI C compiler. See the downloaded INSTALL file for installation instructions.
  • Files
    • Query sequences are accepted in FASTA or GenBank format ( appendix 1B )

Basic Protocol 3: Analyzing DNA Sequences with the Block Searcher

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Workstation, personal computer, or terminal connected to the Internet
  • Software
    • Any type of Web browser
  • Files
    • None

Basic Protocol 4: Viewing Trees Based on Blocks

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Workstation, personal computer, or terminal connected to the Internet. The programs can be installed on common Unix workstations.
  • Software
    • E‐mail program for the E‐mail interface
    • Web browser for the Web interface
    • Pre‐compiled versions of the programs are provided for Sun Solaris and Linux systems. Other Unix systems need an ANSI C compiler. See the downloaded INSTALL file for installation instructions.
  • Files
    • Query sequences are accepted in FASTA or GenBank format ( appendix 1B )

Basic Protocol 5: Using Block Maker

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Workstation, personal computer, or terminal connected to the Internet for the Web interface. The programs can be installed on common Unix workstations.
  • Software
    • Web browser for the Web interface
    • Pre‐compiled versions of the programs are provided for Sun Solaris and Linux systems. Other Unix systems need an ANSI C compiler. See the downloaded INSTALL file for installation instructions.
  • Files
    • Input is in Blocks format as described at http://blocks.fhcrc.org/block_format.html.
    • Utilities are available at http://blocks.fhcrc.org/process_blocks.html to convert common multiple alignment formats to Blocks format.
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  •   Figure 2.2.1 The Blocks Web site home page (http://blocks.fhcrc.org).
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  •   Figure 2.2.2 Top of the Blocks Database entry page for the C‐5 cytosine‐specific DNA methylase family. The blocks accession number is IPB001525 and the sequences used to make the blocks were taken from InterPro entry IPR001525.
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  •   Figure 2.2.3 One page of the second block representing the C‐5 cytosine‐specific DNA methylase family, IPB001525B, showing the block header lines and some of the 158 sequence segments included in the block.
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  •   Figure 2.2.4 Sequence logos for the IPB001525 blocks, showing the multiple alignments graphically.
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  •   Figure 2.2.5 3D Blocks output for 6MHT showing the IPB001525 blocks on the structure.
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  •   Figure 2.2.6 Part of the MAST output generated by selecting the MAST Search link in Figure . The query in this search was constructed from six position‐specific scoring matrices computed from the six IPB001525 blocks, and the database was Drosophila protein sequences. GenBank entry AAF53163.1 is the top hit.
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  •   Figure 2.2.7 The upper part of the Block Searcher input form.
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  •   Figure 2.2.8 The Block Searcher result from searching GenBank entry AAF53163.1 against the Blocks Database, showing five of the six IPB001525 blocks in the top hit.
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  •   Figure 2.2.9 Segment of GenBank AE003635.1 that includes the AAF53163.1 coding region. The DNA sequence is used with Block Searcher to overcome an error in AAF53163.1.
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  •   Figure 2.2.10 The Block Searcher result from searching a segment of GenBank entry AE003635.1 against the Blocks Database, showing all six of the IPB001525 blocks in the top hit. The query most closely resembles PMT1_SCHPO in blocks A, C, E, and F.
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  •   Figure 2.2.11 Corrected version of protein sequence AAF53163.1.
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  •   Figure 2.2.12 The first page of a phylogenetic tree made from the block regions of the 158 sequences included in IPB001525 as displayed by the ProWeb TreeViewer.
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  •   Figure 2.2.13 The subclade of the IPB001525 tree that includes PMT1_SCHPO as displayed by the ProWeb TreeViewer showing options for subclade analysis, including a link to Block Maker.
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  •   Figure 2.2.14 The Block Maker input form obtained by clicking the Block Maker link in Figure with the full‐length sequences for the subclade inserted.
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  •   Figure 2.2.15 The Block Maker result from the subclade selected in Figure plus the corrected Dnmt2 sequence (Fig. ) using the MOTIF motif finder.
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  •   Figure 2.2.16 The Block Maker result from the subclade selected in Figure plus the corrected Dnmt2 sequence (Fig. ) using the Gibbs motif finder.
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  •   Figure 2.2.17 The CODEHOP input form obtained by clicking the CODEHOP link in Figure with the Block Maker Gibbs blocks inserted.
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  •   Figure 2.2.18 Part of the CODEHOP result showing suggested PCR primers with maximum degeneracy set to 32.
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Literature Cited

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Key References
   Henikoff and Henikoff, 1991. See above.
   Introduces the Blocks Database, how it is constructed using PROTOMAT and how it is searched using Block Searcher.
   Pietrokovski, 1996. See above.
   Introduces LAMA for searching blocks versus a database of blocks as an example of searching multiple alignments against one another for sensitive detection of motifs.
   Rose et al., 1998. See above.
   Describes the CODEHOP strategy for detecting distant homologs using PCR and the Web‐based implementation for designing optimal CODEHOP primers.
Internet Resources
   This is the Blocks Web page.
   This is the ProWeb Web page.
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