
Analytical Centrifugation: Equilibrium Approach


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



The specific interaction of biological molecules with one another is fundamental to the biochemistry of all living things. Equilibrium sedimentation is a classic method of biochemistry that provides first?principle thermodynamic information about the molar mass, association energy, association stoichiometry, and thermodynamic nonideality of molecules in solution. It is one of the most rigorous, powerful, and readily adapted methods for characterizing solution interactions.

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Table of Contents

  • Theory
  • Strategy
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure Figure 20.3.1 A schematic representation of an analytical ultracentrifuge. The rotor (C ) has holes through it to hold sample containers commonly called cells (D ). Each cell (see inset) consists of a centerpiece (G ) with open‐sided chambers called channels (H ) to hold the liquid samples. There are two channels per sample, one containing the protein in its solvent and an adjacent one (not shown) containing only solvent to serve as an optical reference. The centerpiece, in turn, is sealed between windows (F ) to permit the passage of light through the channels, thus allowing the cell contents to be viewed. Centerpieces are made out of a variety of tough inert materials. Depending on the type of experiment that will be performed, centerpieces can hold one, three, or four samples each. Rotors can hold either four or eight cells. As the rotor spins, each cell passes through the optical paths of two different detectors. The absorbance detector uses a pulsed xenon lamp (A ) to provide a burst of light when a cell is aligned in the beam. The absorbance detector (E ) uses a narrow slit and photomultiplier tube to determine the light intensity after the beam has passed through the sample. The slit is moved radially by a motor so that the absorbance profile, called an absorbance scan, can be determined. The second detector determines the refractive index difference between the sample and reference channels at each radial position. The light source (B ) uses a laser diode to produce two radially directed narrow stripes of light, one that passes through the sample channel and one that passes through the reference channel. These two stripes of light are brought together to produce an interference image (Fig. ) in which the difference in the refractive index at each radial position is displayed as the vertical displacement of a set of fringes.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.3.2 A Rayleigh interference refractive optical system image of one channel of a six‐channel centerpiece (Fig. ). This optical system provides an image in which the concentration at each radial position is represented by the vertical displacement of a set of equally spaced horizontal fringes. The center of rotation is to the left and the edge of the rotor is to the right. An air/liquid meniscus forms at the top of the channel, one in the reference sector and one in the sample sector. As slightly different volumes of liquid are used to fill these two sectors, the menisci do not appear at exactly the same radius. If the two menisci do become superimposed over the course of an experiment, there is a leak between the sample and reference sectors, indicating that the centerpiece is scratched and needs polishing. The sample is a protein at sedimentation equilibrium, where the flux of molecules towards the cell bottom due to sedimentation is exactly balanced by the flux of molecules towards the meniscus due to diffusion. The balance of fluxes yields an exponential concentration distribution. The base of the cell is formed by FC‐43, a clear fluorocarbon liquid with a refractive index very close to that of water.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.3.3 Flow chart of the protocol used to prepare a protein solution for analysis.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.3.4 Descriptions of centerpieces commonly used for sedimentation equilibrium analysis under operating conditions usually employed.
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Literature Cited

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Internet Resources
   Site for MATCH program (David Yphantis and Jeff Lary), used for monitoring minimized average differences in concentration profiles over time.
   Contact for Center to Advance Molecular Interaction Science (CAMIS), for assistance with data analysis.
   Contact for the ultracentrifuge users group at Boston Biomedical Research Institute, for assistance with data analysis.
   Site for Sednterp (J. Philo, D.B. Hayes, and T.M. Laue), a program for the interpretation of sedimentation data for proteins. The program uses databases so that it is readily customized and extended.
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