Binge-Type Eating Induced by Limited Access to Optional Foods
Binge eating is characterized by the consumption of more food within a discrete period of time than would normally be consumed within the same time period under similar circumstances, accompanied by a sense of loss of control. This form of consummatory behavior is common, and it is accompanied by comorbidities that make treatment difficult. Animal models of bingeing have been developed in order to examine mechanisms as well as to develop potential therapeutic interventions. In this chapter, the limited access model of binge eating is described. This model makes use of established criteria for binge eating in humans and it has good face and construct validity. Recent clinical data suggest predictive validity, as well. Results obtained with the limited access model complement those obtained with other models, and indicate that fatty and sugary foods in-and-of themselves are not “addictive.” However, the consequences of binge eating are nonetheless profound. Specifically, repeatedly engaging in intermittent bouts of behavioral excess over extended periods of time appears to promote behavioral and neurological changes that are difficult to treat and that may predispose an individual to other forms of dysfunctional behavior. In short, when it comes to fatty and/or sugary foods, how one eats may be more important than what one eats.