
Arterial Pressure Monitoring in Mice


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



The use of mice for the evaluation and study of cardiovascular pathophysiology is growing rapidly, primarily due to the relative ease of developing genetically engineered mouse models. Arterial pressure monitoring is central to the evaluation of the phenotypic changes associated with cardiovascular pathology and interventions in these transgenic and knockout models. There are four major techniques for measuring arterial pressure in the mouse: tail?cuff system, implanted fluid?filled catheters, Millar catheters, and implanted telemetry systems. Here we provide protocols for their use and discuss the advantages and limitations of each of these techniques. Curr. Protoc. Mouse Biol. 1:105?122. © 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: arterial pressure monitoring; mice; methods

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Tail‐Cuff System
  • Basic Protocol 2: Fluid‐Filled Catheter System
  • Basic Protocol 3: Millar Solid‐State Micro‐Pressure Transducer Tipped Catheter
  • Basic Protocol 4: Implanted Telemetry System
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Tail‐Cuff System

  • Mice
  • Visitech BP‐2000 series II arterial pressure analysis system: four channel mouse platform, control unit, arterial pressure analysis software

Basic Protocol 2: Fluid‐Filled Catheter System

  • Mice
  • Anesthetic of choice (see Table 10.1.4900 and step 2, below)
  • Heparinized saline solution: dilute heparin to 1 U/ml in 0.9% NaCl
  • Catheters
    • PE‐05 tubing (0.28 mm i.d × 0.61 mm o.d) for the carotid artery
    • PE‐08 tubing (0.20 mm i.d. × 0.36 mm o.d.) for the femoral artery
    • Connect either catheter onto RPT‐040 tubing (0.64 mm i.d. × 1.02 mm o.d.) and glue at the connection part with silicon glue
  • Adapter: 23‐G Intramedic luer stub adapter (Becton Dickinson, cat. no. 427565)
  • Animal clippers
  • Surgical instruments
  • Suture: 7‐0 Silk for vessel ligation; 6‐0 nylon for skin closure
  • Customized needle‐wire plug: cut off the plastic part of a 23‐G adapter, using a file to collapse one end completely
  • Solid‐state pressure transducer (Becton‐Dickinson, cat. no. 682018)
  • Signal amplifier (Triton Technology, System 6, model 200; http://www.physiology.com/)
  • Recording system: e.g., Power Lab (ADInstruments, http://www.adinstruments.com), Dataquest (Data Sciences International, http://www.datasci.com), NOTOCORD‐hem (Notocord, http://www.notocord.com), EMKA IOX (EMKA Technologies)
  • Sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff of appropriate size to fit transducer; available at pharmacies)
  • 1‐ml and 50‐ml syringe
  • Tether (Harvard Apparatus; counter‐balanced lever arm, PY861‐0023; swivel, PY 856‐1324)
  • PE‐05 tubing for catheter extension on tether

Basic Protocol 3: Millar Solid‐State Micro‐Pressure Transducer Tipped Catheter

  • Micromanometer catheter: 1.4F (Millar Instruments, http://www.millarinstruments.com/)
  • Suture: Silk 7‐0 or 6‐0 for vessel ligation
  • Additional reagents and equipment for implantation of fluid‐filled catheter ( protocol 2 )

Basic Protocol 4: Implanted Telemetry System

  • Telemetry transmitter device (PA‐C20 or PA‐C10) (Data Sciences International, http://www.datasci.com/; also see Fig. )
  • Recording system: e.g., Power Lab (ADInstruments, http://www.adinstruments.com), Dataquest (Data Sciences International, http://www.datasci.com), NOTOCORD‐hem (Notocord, http://www.notocord.com), EMKA IOX (EMKA Technologies)
  • Suture: 7‐0 Silk for vessel ligation, 6‐0 nylon for skin closure, 5‐0 nylon for telemetry device fixation
  • Additional reagents and equipment for implantation of fluid‐filled catheter ( protocol 2 )
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  •   Figure 1. A comparison of arterial pressure obtained by tail cuff and intra‐arterial catheter (IA) using the same male C57BL/6J mouse. A good correlation between systolic, R 2 =0.9048 (A ), and mean arterial pressure, R 2 =0.9881 (B ), is observed with the two methods.
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  •   Figure 2. Illustration of the tail‐cuff system (A ). To replace the tail‐cuff balloon, the tail‐cuff material is threaded through the tail‐cuff device (B ), the ends are then everted over the ends (C ), and the balloon caps are then placed on to each of the two ends (D,E ). The mice are restrained individually during the recording process while the tail‐cuff system is connected to a computer for data acquisition (F ).
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  •   Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the tether system. After the arterial line has been placed in the mouse, the line is inserted into the catheter harness (1), threaded up the spring casing (2) for the catheter, and then attached to the swivel device (3) on the swivel arm (4). The catheter tubing (5) exits from the spring casing and is attached to the pressure transducer (6) set at the level of the heart.
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  •   Figure 4. Arterial pressure recording with an implanted fluid‐filled catheter showing an example of blood pressure change in response to vasoactive compounds in a conscious C57BL/6J mouse. An increase in both (A ), the aortic pressure (AOP) and (B ), the mean arterial pressure (MAP), and a decrease in (C ), the heart rate (HR) are noted with the administration of phenylephrine (PE). (D ) A decrease in AOP and (E ) MAP with (F ) an increased HR are noted with the administration of sodium nitroprusside (SNP).
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  •   Figure 5. Illustration of the suture placements for the three suture technique used during carotid artery catheter insertion. The sutures are placed around the right carotid artery. The numbers indicate the sequence of suture placement.
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  •   Figure 6. An example of telemetry blood pressure recording over a 24‐hr time period. The circadian variation in arterial pressure and heart rate are clearly observed in this recording. (A ) Arterial systolic pressure (SBP) and (B ) arterial diastolic pressure (DBP) variations are seen in both the wild‐type (WT, C57BL/6) and caveolin‐1 knockout (KO) mice. The shaded and nonshaded areas on the x axis represent the dark and light cycles, respectively (Desjardin et al., ). Figure reproduced and modified with permission.
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  •   Figure 7. Illustration of the telemetry unit with the anchoring sutures in place. In general, two to three anchoring sutures are used to fix the telemetry unit to the chest wall of the mice.
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  •   Figure 8. Illustration of a telemetric recording of mouse arterial pressure. The mice are housed individually during the recording process, with the recording receiver placed below each cage and connected to a computer for data acquisition.
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