Gloving (Open Gloving Techniques )
Step 1: An assistant opens the sterile pack of gloves and drops them into the sterile field.
Step 2: Lift right glove by grasping the inside of the cuff with left hand.
Step 3: Slide right hand into glove without touching the gown or the outside of the glove. Do not adjust glove or cuff until both gloves are on.
Step 4: Lift the left glove by sliding fingers of gloved hand in between the upturned cuff and outside surface of glove.
Step 5: With gloved fingers still under the cuff, slide the glove onto left hand and over the cuff of the gown.
Step 6: Now that both gloves are on, adjust the right glove by sliding fingers of left hand under the cuff that is still upturned and slide it over the cuff of the gown.