
Procedures Common to the First Five Behavioral Tests


Procedures Common to the First Five Behavioral Tests


Marking the mice

On Monday morning in the colony room, tail mark the 32 mice to be tested in the AM. Use a Sharpie pen (waterproof black or red) to make 1 or 2 tail bands near the base of the tail. Start at cage 1 and proceed in order to cage 16. Capture one mouse, then consult a list of random 1s and 2s to decide the band number. Do likewise for PM group and 2nd replication.

On subsequent days, inspect each mouse of the current group of 16 while it is still in the colony room and reinforce the tail band, if necessary.

Transport to the holding room

Put the first group of 16 cages (enough for the entire AM or PM test session) onto a small rack or a cart. Invert each water bottle to prevent spillage. Then wheel the cart to the holding area. At the holding area, return the water bottles to their normal positions. [note - in Alberta also remove the noisy metal cage tags and leave them in the colony room]. In Portland, on Activity and Cocaine Activity days, the animals went from the colony 16 cages at a time (AM or PM) directly into the testing room (no removal of water bottles; Portland bottles don't leak) On other days, they went to the holding area and were transported to the testing room a cage or two at a time like at other sites.

Holding area

The holding area should be adjacent to the testing room. Ideally, it will be another room that is otherwise unused during that day, but it could be a hallway near the testing room, provided the area is not too noisy or busy. The only commotion near the holding rack should be the experimenter going back and forth to get the next squad. The lighting should be similar to the colony room, consisting of the usual fluorescent ceiling lights. There should be no unusual and distinctive odors or noises in the vicinity.

Transport to testing room

The experimenter will carry one or two (for open field) cages from the holding rack to the test room. First the water bottle will be removed and left in the vacant space on the holding rack. The cage(s) is carried gently to the test room and placed on a towel padding (lacking perfume from laundry) near the apparatus. The experimenter then gently closes the room doors. It is best to avoid any sharp click from the door latch.

Transport to and from apparatus

When all is ready, remove the cage top and place it on a towel to avoid sharp noise.

[The details of the next step will vary for the different tests. ]

When the tests for all mice in the current squad of 2 or 4 are completed, pick up each mouse by the tail and put it in the home cage. When both mice are in the cage, replace the top and set the cage down on the towel.

Tasks between squads of mice

While the squad that has just been tested is in the testing room, complete the making of notes, clean the apparatus, and set up everything for the next squad.

Transport back to the holding room

When all is ready for the next squad, carry the mice in their home cage back to the holding rack, replace the water bottle, and put the cage where it was before testing.

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