human dna binding protein,dbp elisa kit免疫组化扫描电镜转染180 kda prestained protein marker(mp102)人干扰素γ elisa试剂盒(human ifn-γ elisa kit)熔解曲线探针法肿瘤细胞stat3磷酸化

Metaphase chromosome preparation




RPMI 1640 medium

fetal calf serum (FCS), 20%

Colcemid (e.g. Boehringer Mannheim cell biology reagents, Best.-Nr. 295892)

cell cuture flask

Phythemaglutinin, PHA-L (Seromed, M 5030)

CO2 cell culture incubator

50 ml Nunc/Falcon tubes

15 ml Nunc/Falcon tubes

KCl (0.075 M, 0.055% )

Fixative (methanol/acetic acid 3 : 1)

glass microscopy slides

Amounts per 5 ml blood:

40 ml RPMI 1640 Medium

10 ml FCS (20%)

5 ml peripheral blood (anticoagulation by heparin)

1.5 ml PHA

1 cell culture flask, e.g. Falcon 250 ml

prepare up to 10 flask (1 flask will yield about 50 slides)


1.Incubate culture for 72 hours in CO2 cell culture incubator, mix flask 1-2 times per day

2.Add Colcemid (about 45 min before harvesting)

3.Make 2 aliquots and transfer cell into 50 ml Falcon tubes

4.Incubate in cell cuture incubator or 37℃ water bath for additional 45 min

5.Centrifuge for 10 min at 1000 rpm

6.Remove supernatant e.g. with a cell culture pipettor until 5 ml remain

7.Gently add 40 ml KCl (0.075 M, 37℃), first 5 ml drop by drop (hypotonic treatment)

8.Incubate for 25 min in 37℃ water bath

9.Centrifuge 10 min at 1000 rpm

10.remove supernatant, leave about 5 ml, resuspend pellet

11.Add 2 ml fixative, mix well

12.Add fixative until 40 ml, mix meanwhile

13.Repeat steps 9 - 12 until the pellet is white (at least 4 times)

14.After removal and resuspension of the pellet, transfer cell in 15 ml Falcon tube

15.Repeat steps 9 - 12, add just 10 ml fixative

16.Remove fixative until about 2 ml final volume

17.Resuspend pellet and apply suspension on slides:

17.1Cool slides to -20℃ (e.g. put about 10 slides in a cuvette in the -20℃ freezer and keep the cuvette on ice while preparing the metaphase slides)

17.2take one slide and moisten it by breathing from very close

17.3either drop 50-100 µl of the suspension on the slide or apply the same volume to the inclined slide (the fast draining and drying of the fluid is usually an indication for good spreading)

17.4let the susension begin to dry (the fluid film starts to retract)

17.5put the slide briefly in 70% acetic acid

(the acetic acid step is a washing step in particular for remowing the cytoplasm, in addition it may help for the spreading of the chromosome; the cell membranes attach to the surface of the glass slides and are disrupted by the liquid flow; the temperature difference between the cell and the glass slides may help in the disruption of the cell membranes. If the weather conditions are favorable the 70% acetic acid washing step may be omitted; in our experience the best metaphases spreads occur on dry and sunny days.

18. Air dry the chromosome slide, check for chromosome spreading and cytoplasm debris in a phase contrast lab microscope, adjust volume of fixative so that the density of nuclei/metaphases is appropriate

19. If the conditons are favorable, prepare a batch of metaphases spreads

20. Keep slide in a box at room temperature (up to about 1-2 months); metaphase spreads may be kept longer at -80℃ or in 70% ethanol at 4℃.

21. Keep fixative with lymphcates at -20℃ until the preparation of new slides. Add new fixative and wash cell before the preparation of new metaphase spreads.
