
Characterization of Corticotropin‐Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptors


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Corticotropin?releasing factor (CRF) and its receptors play a major role in regulating an organism's response to physical, emotional and environmental stress. While the primary role of CRF is the regulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) secretion from the pituitary and modulation of the hypothalamic?pituitary adrenal axis, CRF is also widely distributed in the central nervous system where it produces a broad spectrum of autonomic, electrophysiological and behavioral effects consistent with a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator role in the brain. Methods are provided for characterizing the receptor proteins through which CRF exerts its function. A well?characterized radioligand receptor binding assay is provided that yields quantitative information about the affinity and density of receptors in a variety of tissues, while another procedure utilizes similar kinetic theories but, in contrast to the homogenized or whole cell suspension approach, makes use of slide?mounted tissue sections.

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Table of Contents

  • Basic Protocol 1: Association Kinetic Assay to Determine Time Course for Equilibrium Binding
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Kinetic Assay to Determine Dissociation Time Course
  • Basic Protocol 2: Saturation (Scatchard) Assays to Determine KD and Bmax
  • Basic Protocol 3: Competition Assays to Determine Ki Values of Competing Ligands
  • Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Corticotropin‐Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptors from Tissues or Cells
  • Basic Protocol 4: Receptor Autoradiography to Study Corticotropin‐Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptors
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Association Kinetic Assay to Determine Time Course for Equilibrium Binding

  • Assay buffer (see recipe )
  • 6 µM unlabeled rat/human corticotropin‐releasing factor (r/hCRF; Peninsula Labs) in assay buffer
  • Radioligand in assay buffer (select one):
  •   900 pM [125 I]ovine CRF ([125 I]oCRF; NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 receptor subtype)
  •   900 pM [125 I]sauvagine (NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 , CRF 2(a) or CRF 2(b) receptor subtypes)
  •   900 pM [125 I]r/hCRF (2000 to 2200 Ci/mmol; NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 receptor subtype)
  •   900 pM [125 I]urocortin (2000 to 2200 Ci/mmol; Amersham; nonselective activator of CRF receptors)
  • Membrane suspension (see protocol 5 )
  • Wash buffer (see recipe ), ice cold
  • 1.5‐ml polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes
  • Tabletop microcentrifuge with 60‐tube capacity and speed >10,000 × g (e.g., Beckman Microcentrifuge 12, Eppendorf model 5403)
  • Vacuum aspirator: aspiration flask connected to tubing with Pasteur pipet/pipet tip (for radioactive waste)
  • Microcentrifuge tube cutter (Fisher) or dog nail clippers (local pet supply)
  • 12 × 75–mm gamma counter tubes

Alternate Protocol 1: Kinetic Assay to Determine Dissociation Time Course

  • 31 µM unlabeled rat/human corticotropin‐releasing factor (r/hCRF; Peninsula Labs) in assay buffer (see recipe )

Basic Protocol 2: Saturation (Scatchard) Assays to Determine KD and Bmax

  • Assay buffer (see recipe )
  • 6 µM unlabeled rat/human corticotropin‐releasing factor (r/hCRF; Peninsula Labs) or D‐Phe r/hCRF(12‐41) (Rivier et al., ) in recipeassay buffer
  • 6× radioligand solutions (12, 6, 3, 1.5, 0.75, 0.375, 0.186, and 0.09 nM) in recipeassay buffer (select one):
  •   [125 I]ovineCRF ([125 I]oCRF; NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 receptors)
  •   [125 I]sauvagine (NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 or CRF 2 receptors)
  •   [125 I]r/hCRF (2000 to 2200 Ci/mmol; NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 receptors)
  •   [125 I]urocortin (2000 to 2200 Ci/mmol; Amersham; nonselective activator of CRF receptors)
  • Membrane suspension (see protocol 5 )
  • Wash buffer (see recipe ), ice cold
  • 1.5‐ml polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes
  • Tabletop microcentrifuge with 60‐tube capacity and speed >10,000 × g (e.g., Beckman Microcentrifuge 12, Eppendorf model 5403)
  • Vacuum aspirator: aspiration flask connected to tubing with Pasteur pipet/pipet tip (for radioactive waste)
  • Microcentrifuge tube cutter (Fisher) or dog nail clippers (local pet supply)
  • 12 × 75–mm gamma counter tubes

Basic Protocol 3: Competition Assays to Determine Ki Values of Competing Ligands

  • Assay buffer (see recipe )
  • 6× competing ligand solutions (see recipe ; e.g., 6 µM, 1.9 µM, 600 nM, 190 nM, 60 nM, 19 nM, 6 nM, 1.9 nM, 0.6 nM, and 0.19 nM):
  •   agonists: rat/human corticotropin‐releasing (r/hCRF), ovine CRF (oCRF), sauvagine, urotensin I, urocortin
  •   antagonists: D‐Phe r/h CRF(12‐41), α‐helical oCRF(9‐41), astressin
  • 1.2 nM radioligand in assay buffer: [125 I]ovine CRF ([125 I]oCRF; NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 receptor subtype) or [125 I]sauvagine (NEN Life Sciences; for CRF 1 or CRF 2 receptor subtypes)
  • Membrane suspension (see protocol 5 )
  • Wash buffer (see recipe ), ice cold
  • 1.5‐ml polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes
  • Tabletop microcentrifuge with 60‐tube capacity and speed >10,000 × g (e.g., Beckman microcentrifuge 12, Eppendorf model 5403)
  • Vacuum aspirator: aspiration flask connected to tubing with Pasteur pipet/pipet tip (for radioactive waste)
  • Microcentrifuge tube cutter (Fisher) or dog nail clippers (local pet supply)
  • 12 × 75–mm gamma counter tubes

Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Corticotropin‐Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptors from Tissues or Cells

  • Fresh whole rodent brain or cells (e.g., mammalian, insect) transfected transiently or stably, and expressing the desired CRF receptor subtype
  • Tissue buffer (see recipe )
  • 50 mM Tris⋅Cl ( appendix 2A ) or Dulbecco's PBS (DPBS; Life Technologies), pH 7.0 at 22°C, containing 5 mM EDTA
  • 5‐ to 15‐ml round‐bottom high‐speed (40,000 × g ) centrifuge tubes (e.g., Fisher)
  • Polytron tissue homogenizer (Brinkmann) or Tissue Tearor (Fisher)
  • Additional reagents and solutions for counting cells (Phelan, ) and for BCA protein determination ( appendix 3A )

Basic Protocol 4: Receptor Autoradiography to Study Corticotropin‐Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptors

  • Whole rodent brain (dissect fresh, freeze immediately, and store at −80°C)
  • Tissue‐Tek O.C.T. Compound embedding medium (VWR)
  • 0.2 nM radioligand (2000 to 2200 Ci/mmol; NEN Life Sciences) in recipeassay buffer :
  •  [125 I]oCRF or r/hCRF (for CRF 1 receptors)
  •  [125 I]sauvagine (for CRF 1 and CRF 2 receptors)
  • 100 µM competing ligand solution (see recipe ):
  •  agonists: rat/human corticotropin‐releasing factor (r/hCRF), ovine CRF (oCRF), sauvagine, urotensin I, urocortin
  •  antagonists: D‐Phe r/hCRF(12‐41), α‐helical oCRF(9‐41), astressin
  • Assay buffer (see recipe ), ice cold
  • Wash buffer (see recipe ), ice cold
  • Refrigerated cryostat (e.g., Hacker, Leica)
  • Superfrost/PLUS slides (Fisher)
  • Glass Coplin jars (or equivalent staining dishes) and appropriate slide racks
  • Blow dryer (Fisher)
  • X‐ray cassettes (Sigma)
  • Radioactive standard microscales ([125 I]microscales; Amersham)
  • X‐ray film (e.g., Kodak Biomax‐MR)
  • Automated X‐ray film developer or manual X‐ray film developing supplies
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  •   Figure 1.13.1 Peptide sequences of human (A ) corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF) and (B ) urocortin.
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  •   Figure 1.13.2 Association (A ) and dissociation (B ) of [125 I]sauvagine binding to human CRF2(a) receptors expressed in stable CHO cell lines. (A) For association experiments, cell membrane homogenates were incubated at 22°C with ∼100 to 200 pM [125 I]sauvagine for various times. Nonspecific binding was defined in the presence of 1 µM D ‐PheCRF(12‐41) at each time point. The association rate constant ( k +1 ) was determined (assuming pseudo‐first‐order kinetics) by plotting ln[Be /(Be ‐B)] versus time, where Be is specific binding (fmol/mg protein) at equilibrium and B is specific binding at any given time point. An example of such a plot is found in UNIT . Fig. k +1 was calculated from the equation k obk −1 = k +1 × CL, where k ob is the slope of the association plot described above, k −1 is the dissociation rate constant, and CL is ligand concentration. In the experiment described above, k +1 was observed to be 0.415 min−1 nmol−1 . (B) Following equilibrium, dissociation of [125 I]sauvagine was initiated by the addition of 1 µM D ‐PheCRF(12‐41), and the reaction was stopped at various times by centrifugation. Specific binding, B, was calculated for each time point, t , and the dissociation constant was determined from the equation ln(B/B0 ) = k −1 × t , where B0 is specific binding at equilibrium. In the experiment described above, k −1 was observed to be 0.0252 min−1 .
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  •   Figure 1.13.3 Saturation (A ) and Scatchard (B ) analyses of [125 I]sauvagine binding to human CRF2(a) receptors expressed in stable CHO cell lines. Human CRF2(a) receptor–transfected CHO cell membranes were incubated with 10 to 12 concentrations of [125 I]sauvagine (1 pM to 2 nM) at 22°C as described (see ). Nonspecific binding was defined in the presence of 1 µM D ‐Phe r/hCRF(12‐41) at each concentration. K D and B max values were estimated by nonlinear regression analysis using Prism software (GraphPad).
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  •   Figure 1.13.4 Competition of CRF‐related peptides for [125 I]sauvagine binding to human CRF2(a) receptors stably expressed in CHO cell lines. CRF2(a) ‐expressing cell membranes were incubated with 200 pM [125 I]sauvagine at 22°C along with varying concentrations of competing peptides, and were analyzed for the ability of competitors to inhibit binding. The rank order of potencies of these peptides defines the receptor subtype. That is, the rank order is identical for the CRF2(a) receptor subtype, regardless of the tissue or species from which it is derived. The rank order of potencies is sauvagine (3 nM), r/hCRF (20 nM), α‐helCRF(9‐41) (150 nM), and oCRF (300 nM). α‐helCRF, α‐helical oCRF(9‐41).
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  •   Figure 1.13.5 Localization of CRF1 and CRF2 receptor ligand binding sites by autoradiography using [125 I]sauvagine and [125 I]oCRF in rat brain. Horizontal slide‐mounted rat brain sections were incubated with either radiolabeled oCRF or sauvagine and apposed to film as described (see ). [125 I]oCRF (left) labels predominantly the CRF1 receptor subtype in the internal granular layer of the olfactory bulb, and in cortical and cerebellar regions, with virtually no labeling of the CRF2(a) subtype. [125 I]Sauvagine (right), which has equal affinity for both the CRF1 and CRF2(a) receptor subtypes, labels all of the same CRF1 receptor regions as [125 I]oCRF, and also labels regions high in CRF2(a) receptor density, such as the lateral septum, the choroid plexus, and the ependymal layer of the olfactory bulb. This confirms the apparent selectivity profile of the two radioligands, and is consistent with the rank order profile demonstrated in the competition studies.
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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